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Surrounded by some of the highest peaks in the West, 这个塞拉利昂东部小镇的居民知道他们有一件好事. 这是一个吸引户外运动爱好者的地方,他们喜欢上斜坡 Mammoth Mountain 在冬天,当雪融化时,把他们的滑雪板换成登山靴和山地自行车. Fortunately, these 当地的s like to share their idyllic home. 请继续阅读有关在Mammoth中做什么的想法,或者查看来自web的这些建议 当地的.

要做的事情 in the Summer at 庞大的湖泊

夏天,来这里听蓝调,品尝世界一流的啤酒 Bluesapalooza 音乐节. Ride Mammoth Mountain’s scenic gondola, which climbs to the mountain’s summit at 11,053英尺,周围的高海拔山峰令人瞠目结舌. Fly-fish in clear mountain streams 和 high alpine lakes. Take a stroll or ride your bike in 庞大的湖泊 Basin.

Visiting hikers in particular will love the Little Lakes Valley这是一个壮观的、冰川雕刻的峡谷,到处是湖泊和野花. 高尔夫球手可以在该州最高的两个球场了解海拔是否会影响他们的比赛: Sierra Star Golf Course 和 Snowcreek Golf Course在这里,玩家可以欣赏到雪温山脉、猛犸山和怀特山脉的景色.

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要做的事情 in the Winter at Mammoth Mountain

In winter, Mother Nature is very good to 庞大的湖泊. The mountain town’s signature peak, Mammoth Mountain, gets 更多的 than 30 feet of snow on average, so the ski season often lasts well into summer. Mix things up with a day on the slopes at nearby 6月山, a 当地的 favorite that’s ultra-relaxed 和 family-friendly. 滑雪和登船并不是让你的肾上腺素下降的唯一方法-尝试油管或冲浪雪橇在天黑后 Woolly’s Tube Park在这里,各个年龄段的雪迷和速度爱好者都可以在整洁的车道上飞驰. On select dates during the season, 利用公园在月光下的电动管道之夜, 星星, some lights. 或者换一种方式,去猛犸的一个更宁静的夜晚体验 guided full-moon cross-country treks.

越野滑雪者可以滑过19多英里的平整小径 Tamarack Cross-Country Ski Center (open to snowshoers as well). When you’ve worn yourself out, retreat to snowbound 美洲落叶松小屋 near Twin Lakes. 在大房间里放松一下,在炉火旁喝一杯热红酒, 然后坐下来在优雅质朴的湖畔餐厅吃晚餐.

当你在雪山上度过时光时,有时让你的腿休息一下是很好的. 登上一辆能容纳12人的雪地车,它将带你在温暖舒适的环境中欣赏到尖塔远景的广阔景色 Minaret Vista Tour在那里,您还可以享用小吃和一杯葡萄酒. Another 更多的 thrilling option is to book a 1- 1.5到3个小时 guided snowmobiling tour, 在那里你将驾驶你自己的单座或双座雪地车在东部塞拉利昂学习基础知识,从你的教练/导游.

Accessibility at Mammoth

Like many of the towns across the High Sierra在美国,猛犸湖致力于确保所有人都可以参加许多户外活动. From skiing—via the use of mono skis, bi-skis, 雪滑块, 还有其他设备,从适合自适应自行车的铺设小径,到适合轮椅通行的钓鱼平台, the options are many. For a complete list 和 details, 请看此页.

Events in Mammoth

猛犸湖镇和猛犸山都全年举办活动. In the summer, the three-day 庞大的湖泊 Open Air Arts & 工艺品博览会 特色的艺术家和各种制造商的作品,加上现场音乐. If you plan on a snow-season visit, check to see if the 丰田U.S. Gr和 Prix of Snowboard 和 Freeskiing 会在你在那里的时候举办——猛犸每年冬天或早春都会举办, 这是一个从多个有利位置近距离观察严重粉碎的好方法.

Hot Springs at 庞大的湖泊

无论什么季节,猛犸湖都是探索当地温泉的完美大本营. 约760,1000年前, a massive volcano exploded in this region, creating a network of stea最小值g water underground. 向东前往本顿温泉(Benton Hot Springs),在这里的9个室外热水浴池中放松身心 The Inn at Benton Hot Springs. Or cruise south to Keough Hot Springs, first opened as a medicinal 和 health retreat in 1919. (顺便到 庞大的湖泊 Welcome Center for directions to these 和 other hot springs.)

Where to Eat 和 喝 in 庞大的湖泊

Year-round, this is a great town for food 和 drink. Stake your claim at an outdoor picnic table at Mammoth Brewing Company, where 更多的 than a dozen artisan beers are on tap. 菜单上有爱尔兰羽衣甘蓝沙拉和五花肉叉烧三明治等异国情调的混搭. 想要一个岛屿的氛围和超大的多人饮料,在这里买你的提基 Lakanuki,也可以在这里品尝手工威士忌和自制烈酒 Shelter Distilling. 对于那些想预订特殊场合的晚餐或只是想挥霍一下的人来说,精致的 Skadi 从挪威和瑞士阿尔卑斯山的美食中汲取灵感. For an option that’s 更多的 kid-friendly, check out Mammoth Rock ’n’ Bowl这里有餐厅、12个保龄球道、高尔夫模拟器、桌上足球和街机游戏. 

Where to Stay at 庞大的湖泊

The focus at 庞大的湖泊 may be on the great outdoors, 但这并不意味着你在室内度过的时光不值得纪念. In addition to such on-mountain, ski-in/ski-out hotels as 美洲落叶松小屋Juniper Springs Resort, there are several hotels in the Village at Mammoth 和附近的高档威斯汀莫纳奇度假村,现场滑雪租赁. For a 更多的 secluded experience, book a rustic 小屋, some of which are also ski-in/ski-out. 温暖的天气带来了更多的选择,更多的另类住宿Crystal Crag Lodge, Wildyrie小屋, 森林小屋 are all summer-only.

要做的事情 Near 庞大的湖泊

The southern entrance to Yosemite National Park 当泰奥加山口在温暖的月份开放时,大约45分钟的车程, 使猛犸湖成为参观酋长岩的好基地, 半穹顶, Tuolumne Meadows, all the other attractions that park offers. 附近还有令人挠头的地质构造 Devils PostpileMono Lake Tufa State Natural Reserve. For a drive with impressive alpine scenery, 你在世界上找不到比这条大约15英里长的河流更好的地方了 六月湖环路 20 miles north of Mammoth. Take it to the next level by picking up the trail of the Highway 395 Road Trip. 向北, it will take you through June Lake 和 further, to such must-see spots as the ghost town of 伯帝镇始建.


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