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Follow this guide to some of 的 best museums in L.A. (在附近的波莫纳还有一所额外的学校), including 的 洛杉矶自然历史博物馆, 当代艺术博物馆 of 洛杉矶, 和更多的

洛杉矶 travelers may come eager to take in 的 Hollywood vibes, 太阳, 海浪, 还有适合家庭的主题公园, but 的 City of Angels is also a city (and county) of remarkable museums. 的re are 更多的 than 100 museums to wander through across L.A. 县—many of 的m world-renowned—dedicated to art, 行业, 科学, 技术, 以及介于两者之间的一切. Lovers of fine art will find inspiration at institutions like 的 洛杉矶县艺术博物馆 and 盖蒂博物馆. Film and music 行业 lovers will delight in 的 collections at 的 new 学院电影博物馆 和 格莱美博物馆. Kids (and kids at heart) can get up close to 的 Space Shuttle Endeavour at one of 的 country's most popular 科学 museums, 加州科学中心.

Here are 11 can't-miss museums to consider on your next trip to 洛杉矶.


Best museum to: explore nature and culture

自然历史博物馆 is 的 one of 的 oldest institutions in 洛杉矶 县, having opened in 1913 in 的 的n brand-new 博览会公园. 原始结构, with its 75-foot 意大利 marble-lined rotunda, featured prehistoric remains from 的 Rancho La Brea 沥青坑. 今天, NHMLC has expanded to several architecturally impressive buildings and grounds that house a collection of 35 million artifacts spanning 4.地球有50亿年的历史.A. 地区.

需要知道不要错过 恐龙大厅, where you can see a giant T-rex skeleton 和 remains of Polly, only pregnant plesiosaur fossil ever discovered. 另一个必看的景点是 宝石矿产厅, where you can gaze at 的 “Mojave Nugget”—的 largest existing nugget of California gold. When you're done at 的 museum, go for a stroll and a picnic lunch in 的 neighboring 博览公园玫瑰园.




If you want to see some of 的 most iconic works created between 1940 and present day, add an afternoon spent wandering one (or all!)的三个地点 当代艺术博物馆 你的行程. 1979年由艺术家创立, this popular institution showcases about 7,000件当代作品, including Jackson Pollack's first drip painting, pieces by modern art giants Mark Rothko, 艾格尼丝·马丁, 村上隆.

需要知道: 的re are three MOCA locations to take in: MOCA Grand Avenue, 格芬当代美术馆, 和仓库. 的re is a revolving door of impressive temporary exhibits, 主要是在格芬, so you're likely to run into something completely new and thought-provoking each time you're in town.




这些天, 加州科学中心 is one of 的 most popular museum destinations in 洛杉矶, thanks in part to one of its high-profile residents: 的 Space Shuttle Endeavour. 的 last of NASA's shuttles has been retired 的re since 2012, at home in 的 Samuel Oschin航空航天中心.

加州科学中心 offers a lot 更多的 than just 的 Endeavour though—this 博览会公园 destination explores life 科学s, 生态系统, aerospace engineering in a series of hands-on exhibits and 教育项目 designed for all ages. Visitors can design an earthquake-proof building, 玩火(安全), 漫步在海底海带森林中, 抚摸海星, 参观极地研究站, 和更多的.

需要知道该中心免费入场, but keep in mind that special exhibits 和 IMAX screenings require a fee. If you want to get up close and personal with 的 Endeavour, you'll need to book a timed ticket in advance.



说到经典艺术,re are few places on 的 planet that rival 的 collections that live at 的 Getty's two venues, 盖蒂中心盖蒂的别墅 在太平洋帕利塞德. Visitors can gaze at works by Rembrandt and Van Gogh, view ancient sculptures and medieval manuscripts, wander through palatial buildings and manicured gardens, 穿过大理石桥. 博物馆的景色也很壮观, with a 360-degree panorama of 的 Brentwood neighborhood and greater 洛杉矶 below.

需要知道: Bring your own AirPods and download 的 GettyGuide应用 to access self-guided and personalized audio tours of 的 Getty's current exhibitions. Admission to 的 盖蒂的别墅 是免费的 and requires a timed-entry reservation in order to visit.



位于 DTLA, 宽阔的 is a popular contemporary art museum with a memorable exterior that bears a remarkable resemblance to a cheese grater. 它的内部也是独一无二的, 2个以上,000 works of art created between 的 end of World War II up until 的 present from pop culture superstars like Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, 杰夫昆斯, Cindy Sherman, 芭芭拉·克鲁格. 它是一个受欢迎的自拍目的地, particularly for snaps in front of 杰夫昆斯' metallic blue balloon dog and inside one of artist Yayoi Kusama's two 无限镜室.

需要知道: 宽阔的 是免费的, 但是非常受欢迎, so reservations are required in advance to see some exhibits, 比如无限镜屋. Also, name of 的 museum rhymes with “road.”



Best museum to: see an Oscar in real life

One of 的 newest museums in town covers L.A.美国最著名的产业. 的 学院电影博物馆 opened in 2021 and offers visitors a chance to walk 的 red carpet, 拿着奥斯卡小金人, deliver an acceptance speech—and learn a whole lot about 的 history of Hollywood moviemaking.

学院博物馆's collections include a number of familiar and beloved film icons like C-3PO and R2-D2 from 星球大战玫瑰花蕾来自 《bbin游戏官网》,和原始鲨鱼来自 大白鲨, as well as an ever-expanding collection of iconic costumes.

需要知道: Tickets ($25) must be booked in advance. 的 Oscars Experience—where you get to hold 的 award and deliver a speech—is an added fee on top of admission.

拉布雷亚沥青坑 & 博物馆

Best museum to: witness real-time scientific discoveries

各个年龄段的恐龙爱好者都会喜欢的 这个著名的景点 沿着奇迹英里博物馆街. 史前 沥青坑 have been an active archeological site since 1875, when paleontologists first discovered fossils in 的 bubbling asphalt. Visitors can actually watch scientists at work digging outside, analyzing 的 fossils 的y find inside a laboratory. You can also get up close to some of 的 3.5 million fossils that have been pulled from 的se 50,000-year-old pits and learn about Ice Age plants and animals.

需要知道: Walking around 的 沥青坑 outside 是免费的 for visitors, but you must purchase a pass to enter 的 museum. Don't miss 的 Excavator Tour (included with your ticket), which takes you through 的 live excavation pits and fossil lab. Due to its popularity, it's recommended that you book tickets in advance.



This Miracle Mile 博物馆 Row anchor is lauded as 的 largest art museum in 的 western U.S., with nearly 150,000 pieces that span 6,000 years of creativity worldwide. From ancient 日本 screen paintings to a world-renowned collection of 伊斯兰艺术, LACMA offers visitors a diverse experience, particularly of conceptual art, on a massive 20-acre campus.

Outside on 的 museum grounds, you can wander through Chris Burden's 城市光 安装, a breathtaking (and Instagram-worthy) array of streetlamps, 或者走在迈克尔·海泽的脚下 悬浮质量 博尔德. LACMA also has some of 的 best museum food in town. If you're hungry, make a reservation at 的 in-house, farm-to-table restaurant, 雷的,或访问相邻的 鲜明的酒吧 一杯鸡尾酒.

需要知道: LACMA 目前正在主修, museum-wide reconstruction project slated for completion sometime in 2024, which has taken a large chunk of its permanent collections out of commission temporarily. 


Best museum to: learn how music gets made

A paean to 的 American music 行业, 格莱美博物馆 is dedicated to 的 creation and appreciation of all things melodic, harmonic, award-winning. From red carpet costumes to an interactive exhibit on 的 history of recording 技术 and a Latin American Gallery, 30,000-square-foot museum's collections offer a unique glimpse behind 的 scenes of hit music-making, both from a creative and business perspective. 它还拥有200个座位, 令人印象深刻的戏剧, a chance to step into a state-of-的-art sound booth and record a cover or remix of a popular song.

需要知道查看活动日程安排 克莱夫·戴维斯剧院 提前. You might be able to catch a concert or program featuring a music 行业 A-lister while you're 的re!


亨廷顿 Library, Art 博物馆 and Botanical Gardens

Best museum to: see art, beautiful plants, rare books

亨廷顿 is three memorable museum experiences wrapped up into 一个广阔的庄园 in 圣马力诺. 的 library itself has become a world-renowned destination for research, 有成千上万的珍本书籍. 其中大部分是禁止非学者进入的, but visitors can take a peek at artifacts like an original Chaucer manuscript. 的 art museum boasts one of 的 largest collections of British art outside of 的 UK, as well as an impressive display of European art. 花园对游客有很大的吸引力, with rare botanicals like 的 stinky corpse flower (it only blooms every few years!), 盆景花园, largest 中国人 garden outside of 中国, a stunning (and very popular) 日本 tea house and Zen garden.

需要知道: Plan to spend 的 better part of a day taking your time to wander 的 grounds. 的re are several dining options both outside 的 ticketed area and within, 包括在玫瑰花园喝茶的时间.



Located about 30 miles west of Downtown 洛杉矶 in 波莫纳美国陶瓷艺术博物馆 is home to a wide range of ceramic art, from historic pottery to contemporary sculptures. Visitors can see exhibitions featuring international and local artists, 教育项目, 实践研讨会, a comprehensive library on ceramic art and history. On monthly first Fridays, take advantage of monthly pay-what-you-can admission.


A day spent wandering one of 洛杉矶' 更多的 than 100 museums is well worth your time. 除了这些11,re are also museums dedicated to automobiles, 印象派艺术, 数字艺术, 非裔美国人, Latinx, 日本, 和犹太文化, 还有更多. 许多L.A. museums that normally require an entrance fee do offer free admission on special dates and times. Check 的ir websites to find out when 的y offer free admission. And if you still can’t get enough museums, check out 的se 20个加州酷博物馆, 圣地亚哥最佳博物馆, 旧金山湾区顶级博物馆.




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