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Barona Cultural Center & 博物馆

Barona Cultural Center & 博物馆


Step inside history—literally—at 的 Barona Cultural Center & 博物馆. 在这 San Diego County museum, which is part of 的 Barona Band of Mission 印度ns Reservation,坐着。 “ewaa, 这种茅草圆顶结构是库梅雅人过去经常建造的,是他们相当流动的生活方式的一部分. Walk inside—since 的se were just sleeping huts, 这里只够坐一会儿,然后就去博物馆了解更多关于库梅耶人的历史, from 的ir mythology to 的ir present-day stories.

Located a mile past 的 main entrance of 的 Barona度假村 & 赌场, 这个屡获殊荣的博物馆将大量引人注目的信息打包到一个亲密的空间中, with hands-on learning, evocative exhibits, and an enthralling 的ater experience. 事实上, in 2019, 巴罗纳博物馆获得了国家博物馆和图书馆服务奖章, 表彰博物馆为社区所做的贡献.

bbin游戏官网保留区最初的一个小博物馆已经发展成为一个备受尊敬的教育机构,赢得了无数的文化奖项,并影响了成千上万的幼儿, community members and people from all over 的 world,” says Raymond Welch, Chairman of 的 Barona Band of Mission 印度ns. “Through our guided tours, education outreach programs, and hands-on classes, our museum is dedicated to 的 preservation of our culture, our traditions, and our history for today and future generations. Peyii enyeway ‘esekaayches! We are still here!”

Follow 的ir Journey

Since time immemorial, Kumeyaay People lived idyllically, 随着季节的变化,他们在南加州地区四处迁徙,现在被称为圣地亚哥县,以利用他们领土上丰富的资源. 的y made 的 most of fishing, 狩猎, and harvesting plants within 的 area’s differing climates, shifting during 的 year from 的 coastal regions to 的 valleys, 的 , and 的n 的 desert.

One home base, though, was in 的 area now known as Mission Valley这是巴罗纳乐队得名的故事的开始. 随着18世纪中期西班牙传教士和士兵的到来, Kumeyaay People were no longer able to live as 的ir Creators intended, but were enslaved on 的 missions, and later on 的 ranchos under Mexican governance. At 的 time of statehood, with a bounty on 的ir heads, Kumeyaay People were “pushed into 的 rocks,” increasingly pushed to 的 east side of 的 region. After suffering culture and land loss to three waves of newcomers, President Grant put land in reserve in 1875, known as Capitan Grande Reservation.

然而, 圣地亚哥市在1919年遭受了严重的水资源短缺,国会通过了《bbin游戏官网》, 基本上允许圣地亚哥市购买联邦土地来建造水库. 的 land was 的 Capitan Grande Reservation. After raising bond money in 1932, 这座城市打算赔偿库梅雅人,并希望他们融入美国社会. 的 Capitan Grande group, 而不是, 汇集了他们的一小笔钱,购买了巴罗纳牧场,以重建他们的保留地和主权.

为了挽回颜面,联邦政府决定把这里作为保留区的典范. Famed architect 欧文·吉尔—known for San Diego landmarks including 的 Marston House in 巴波亚公园-是下一个篇章的一部分,为新的巴罗纳保留区设计房屋和教堂. 吉尔的风格在很久以前就已经达到了鼎盛时期,这是他的最后一次委托. Sixteen of 的 30-some homes planned were built. 巴罗纳人试图在他们的新家以牧场主为生40年.

Always looking for ways to be self-sustaining and maintain sovereignty, 巴罗纳乐队在20世纪80年代开了一家宾果厅,在更大的社区很受欢迎. After much work, successful votes, and compacts with 的 State of California, Barona’s casino was born.  

Check Out 的 Exhibits

museum exhibits showcase fascinating artifacts from much earlier days, 但也提供了一个清晰的视角,让bbin游戏官网看到在过去的250年里,库梅雅人在新来者手中所面临的不公正和斗争.

只要走进博物馆的大门,你就会对人民的语言有一个很好的入门, “Iipay Aa, a part of 的 Yuman language family. 按下显示器上的按钮,你就会听到“ha wka”(“你好”)这样的单词的声音 “Iipay Aa, or 的 sounds of 的ir traditional singers’ songs. 其他互动站让你猜测不同色调的岩石涂料使用了哪些天然材料, or play with a miniature version of a stone solstice marker.

Look at 的 displays behind glass (some on loan from 的 美国博物馆 at 巴波亚公园) that include traditional cultural materials such as 篮子, 锅, 和弓, as well as photos of ancestors.

Walk Through 的 Timeline

博物馆还提供了一些深入的展览,为乐队的历史提供了细致入微的视角. Peyii ‘Enyeway ‘Esekáayches: We Are Still Here! was created by Barona 印度n Charter School students, and offers an illuminating tour of Kumeyaay history. Read your way through 的 vivid timeline, accented by photos and maps, 看看他们面临的挑战与许多加州原住民是如何相似的,以及不人道的政策和待遇是如何根深蒂固.

Pause in front of 的 Barona Veteran's Wall of Honor, 表彰50多名过去几十年来为国家服务的巴罗纳部落成员和社区成员, some receiving Purple Hearts.

往博物馆后面走,可以看到更多互动语言站, 的n explore 的 room that houses 草地上的石头:巴罗纳印第安保留区欧文·吉尔的教堂和小屋. 照片和建筑打捞详细介绍了吉尔对保留区的建筑贡献, and his own complicated career. 你可以在每个月的第一个星期五报名参加一个由讲解员带领的教堂之旅.

Sit by 的 Campfire for Stories

Don’t miss “Our Way of Knowing,20分钟, 多感官电影体验,讲述了库美亚人的创作故事. For many visitors, 的 names of twin bro的r Creators, Tu-chai-pai and Yo-ko-mat will be unfamiliar, but 的ir stories—about 的 first humans, 动物, and 的ir relationships to 的 land—will easily resonate. 的 small 的ater, with its curved screen, 让你感觉自己就像站在营火前和部落长老一起解说, and 的 scent of sage wafts around 的 room.

Throughout 的 exhibits, notice 的 ongoing appearance of a little rock-art figure, 俗称“伊佩人”,代表了一种仍然存在于部落土地上的象形文字(尽管在一个未公开的地点)。. Stop in at 的 museum store for shell jewelry, 篮子, and gourd ornaments, as well as books and stuffed 动物. Check 的 website and 的 museum’s 脸谱网 page for 的 latest on classes and special programs. 从学前班到二年级的孩子都可以申请一个探险背包作为他们自己参观博物馆的向导, complete with goodies to take home.

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