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A new ‘Creators of 西好莱坞’ video series showcases the city through the eyes of six notable residents
发布于2年前作者:Kate Eplboim

In 洛杉矶县, free spirits and creatives alike flock to the vibrant streets of 西好莱坞 出于某种原因. 无论是动态烹饪, 丰富的音乐历史, 或者是最新的设计和时尚趋势, WeHo and its diverse residents are a bedrock of innovation. To highlight these distinct voices, 参观西好莱坞 has launched 一个新的视频系列 聚焦六位来自不同领域的当地人. Below you’ll find a snapshot of each of the six creatives; to get a more complete picture of each and what 西好莱坞 means to them, click on their names to watch a compelling self-narrated video.


西好莱坞 attracts people from all walks of life and inspires them to flex their creative muscles. 拉斐尔·弗朗索瓦主厨, the city’s vibrancy proved the perfect launchpad for his culinary stylings. “The dining scene in 西好莱坞 is booming,” says Francois. “We are happy to be in the middle of that popping movement.” The world traveler is part of a new school of chefs and restaurateurs shaping the area’s ever-evolving food landscape, 包括 Merois, 夜市弗朗索瓦的法式风格 Tesse.

西好莱坞 is not without its iconic eateries though. 餐饮机构 丹塔的, 福尔摩沙的咖啡馆, 日落塔酒店 are still going strong with loyal customers spanning multiple generations. Francois pays homage to WeHo’s storied past with his newest restaurant Fanny’s, located at the 学院电影博物馆. Most mornings, you can spot him biking through the neighborhood.

DJ诗人:Mia Moretti

米娅·莫雷蒂不是典型的DJ. On top of hunting down obscure B-sides and curating just the right vibe for the room, the Hollywood Hills resident is also a poet who most recently published the collection 低接触经济. Moretti started her music career DJing at spots like The Standard Hollywood. “西好莱坞是一座欢迎所有人的城市,她说。, 它欢迎每个人的独特性.” Moretti’s very own unique brand of cool has led to collaborations with luxury brands like Dior, 路易威登, L.A. Eyeworks.

As Moretti can attest, WeHo’s world-class nightlife scene is not to be missed. 西好莱坞版的屋顶 而且名字也很贴切 E.P & L.P showcase dazzling views of the city for the perfect group outing. 传奇的LGBTQIA+酒吧 威斯敏斯特大教堂 and 米奇的 are also a must-stop for those looking for handcrafted cocktails, 一流的阻力表演, 还有史诗般的曲调.

时尚引领者:来自Minotti和质量比弗利的Mary Ta

玛丽·塔从事的是激发灵感的工作. She is the woman behind two of the world’s most influential design showrooms, Minotti and 质量比弗利. “bbin游戏官网想把意大利设计引入洛杉矶, we chose 西好莱坞 because we wanted to be in a community,Ta说。. 覆盖了城市的西南部分 西好莱坞设计区 (WHDD)是潮流引领者的梦想成真. Drift into upscale restaurants, famous bars, more than 200 swanky storefronts.

Looking for some stylish visuals to help get you started on your next design project? 像碧昂斯那样做, 杰斯, Calvin Klein do and drop by the showrooms to “feel inspired, 学习, 就随便逛逛,看看杂志,Ta说。. 平均每天, you can catch her cruising down Beverly in her vintage Bentley, 从城市各处汲取灵感.


在21岁时克服了肥胖, Kirk Myers quickly found his purpose in helping others accomplish their own fitness goals. His infectious energy, positivity, undeniable results have gained the attention of 《bbin游戏官网》 star Hugh Jackman, Maroon 5 front man Adam Levine, supermodel Christy Turlington. 自2016年以来, the gym/lifestyle brand has evolved into a growing community, 在迈尔斯, 他的团队, 健身房的会员可以做真实的自己.

事实上, 西好莱坞’s famously accepting reputation played a big part in what attracted Myers to the area. “[In 西好莱坞], you can walk down the street and wear whatever you want, be who you want to be. 人们会跟你击掌庆祝的. 做你自己,脱颖而出.” Learn to train like the Wolverine himself with a personal workout session at the DOGOUND’s WHDD location. 之后,散步到 谢谢母亲 墨西哥素食美食.

设计师:Adair Curtis / JSN工作室  

The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well in 西好莱坞, former New Yorker Adair Curtis wouldn’t have it any other way. “I’m really inspired by the small-business owners who have a dream,” says the interior designer. “他们有激情, 他们追随这种激情, 把他们带到了西好莱坞这样的地方.”

Curtis and his husband Jason Bolden are the creative directors and cofounders behind JSN工作室,一个多学科的设计工作室在市中心 洛杉矶. 他发现, 比如他的家乡纽约, 西好莱坞 contains a similar electric energy and offers endless creativity. “西好莱坞沉浸在设计之中. And I’m able to find inspiration around every corner, in every nook and cranny,” he shares. 参观有史以来第一个现代住宅 辛德勒之家 或者去名人常去的地方 夏特蒙特,采用法国哥特式风格设计.


就像他之前的许多摇滚明星一样, it’s not hard to imagine why Tommy 黑色的 found solace in the tattooed arms of 日落大道. 正如他所描述的, 在日落大道上, 有一个灵魂, 这里有一种显而易见的氛围, 它无处不在. 威士忌, Roxy, 彩虹这里有历史. 这是一个特别的地方.“只有一个。.5英里长, 日落大道 自从禁酒令以来一直是娱乐中心.

多年来, 连环漫画里出现过黑帮, 电影明星, 隐居的亿万富翁, 金属迷们纷纷涌向霓虹灯照亮的街道. 喜剧商店 开创了金·凯瑞等喜剧演员的职业生涯, 豪伊曼德尔, 大卫·莱特曼, 还有无数其他的人. 黑色的, 一位资深音乐家, moved to 西好莱坞 during what he dubs “the musical Gold Rush” era of the 1980s, along with the likes of of Mötley Crüe and Guns n’ Roses. This year, he celebrated 20 years as the general manager of 毒蛇屋他以前曾多次在他的舞台上表演. 布莱克说:“这是一间名气很大的小房间。. That little room remains legendary and continues to be a launching pad for up-and-coming musicians from every genre.



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