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南加州海岸外的五个岛屿组成了美国最未开发的——也是最神奇的——国家公园之一. Known as the “Galapagos of North America,“这是一家完美无瑕的翡翠连锁店——你找不到任何餐厅, lodgings, or stores here—offers hiking, kayaking, and rugged camping, 此外,还有大量的本地植物和本地野生动物可供观赏, including whales. Visitors can choose to arrive at any of the Channel Islands National Park islands via an Island Packers boat, which depart daily from Ventura and Oxnard. (Map; ferry service to Anacapa and Santa Cruz islands is available year-round; service to the other three is seasonal.要到达圣罗莎岛,另一种选择是乘坐一架小型飞机 Camarillo with Channel Islands Aviation. 一旦到达那里,你将不得不步行或乘皮划艇四处游览. There’s no driving here.

Each of the islands—Anacapa, Santa Rosa, San Miguel, Santa Cruz, 和圣巴巴拉,有自己独特的地理和资产.

Anacapa Island

Anacapa最近的岛屿,距离大陆只有14英里,乘船大约需要一个小时. 这里有著名的拱门岩石和一座历史悠久的1932年灯塔, 最后一座建在西海岸的永久性建筑, Anacapa actually consists of three islets. Boats land at the smallest islet, where a 2-mile trail leads to dramatic overlooks at Inspiration Point and Cathedral Cove; from the sea cliffs, 你可以沿着海岸看到斑海豹和海狮, 还有皮划艇运动员在岛上的30个海洞中划桨. On calm days, you can swim and snorkel at the landing cove, 在那里你会看到明亮的橙色加里波第鱼和巨大的海带. 或者你也可以在船上,在没有着陆的地方欣赏这一切 wildlife tour这条路经过海狮的栖息地、拱门岩石和灯塔.

Santa Rosa Island

The second-largest of the Channel Islands, 圣罗莎到处都是前居民的证据, both human and prehistoric. 最完整的古代骨骼化石, once-endemic pygmy mammoth was found here, 以及众多丘马什人的考古遗址, 谁在这里住了几万年直到1820年, have shined a light on how they lived. 此外,还有早已消失的牧场主的围栏和军事设施的残余.

San Miguel Island

Remote San Miguel Island 拥有世界上最大的鳍状(有鳍的水生食肉哺乳动物)栖息地. Sometimes 30,000 animals congregate at Point Bennett, 使其成为地球上最大的野生动物聚集地之一. Vast Santa Rosa Island is home to a rare stand of Torrey pines. 大多数冒险去圣罗莎的人都在 Water Canyon Campground这里距离美丽的海滩不远.

Santa Cruz Island

特有的岛屿狐狸生活在几个岛屿上,但它们最常出现在 Santa Cruz Island在那里,一项圈养繁殖计划拯救了这种毛茸茸的灰色和铁锈色食肉动物,使其免于灭绝. (因为岛狐在白天捕猎,所以很容易被发现.) With Painted Cave, the longest sea cave in North America, and Diablo Peak, which rises to 2,450 feet, Santa Cruz is a diverse destination. Not surprisingly, the hiking is excellent. From primitive Scorpion Canyon Campground (31 sites), make the 1.往返两英里,从洞穴点欣赏美景. 如果想远足,可以徒步7英里到走私者湾僻静的海滩. 岛上的包装工提供了一个视图的画洞从他们的回家 trips to Santa Rosa Island, as well as visits to the cave 然后登陆,参观该岛北部海岸的囚徒港.

Santa Barbara Island

Want to get away from it all? Lonely and tiny Santa Barbara Island 让你沿着5探索它紧凑的陆地.5英里的小径穿过起伏的草原和信号峰. 岛上的最高点海拔可能不高,但可以360度欣赏壮观的景色. 前往该岛的交通十分有限,从春季到秋季,每个月只有几次旅行.


海峡群岛最壮观的景色是崎岖的风景和海洋景观. Popular hikes include Scorpion Bay to Cavern Point, El Montañon Peak, and Smuggler’s Cove Loop, all offering sweeping seaside views. However, 公园里一些最可爱的风景就在你的脚下, the colorful wildflowers. 许多植物已经适应了岛上的干燥气候, 这意味着你几乎全年都能看到花朵. 在6月和7月,可以找到口香糖、荞麦、罂粟和马鞭草. 从1月到4月的任何地方,你都可能看到巨大的coreopsis或“树向日葵”.” In exceptional years, 浓密的黄色花朵在阿纳卡帕岛上大量盛开,从大陆上都能看到它们的光芒.

Channel Islands National Park Wildlife

这些岛屿也为观赏野生动物提供了充足的机会. 除了狐狸、海豹和海狮,你还可以看到几十种动物 seabirds and shorebirds who use the islands as their nesting ground. 游客还经常看到成群的海豚在海浪中跳跃.

海峡群岛的地理条件决定了,乘坐皮划艇是游览和近距离观赏海洋生物的最佳方式之一. Santa Barbara Adventure Company 提供囚徒港的导游体验, 带领勇敢的桨手到僻静的海滩和海洞,经常被吠叫的海狮占据. 从圣巴巴拉乘船到前面提到的彩绘洞穴, 在那里,参与者们会转到皮划艇去探索洞穴, are available with the company as well, on a less frequent basis. Another option is Channel Islands Kayak Center在那里,你可以租一套装备来进行一次DIY冒险,也可以预订一次有导游的岛屿洞穴之旅.


Channel Islands National Park address:

Ventura, CA 93001

Phone: 805.658.5730

California Winery

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