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Regenerative Travel Experiences in California

Regenerative Travel Experiences in California


你知道加州是世界上仅有的36个生物多样性热点地区之一吗, according to the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund? The Golden State also boasts more national parks, state parks, and native species than any other state in the country. As responsible travelers, bbin游戏官网可以通过参与再生旅游来帮助确保这个特殊的目的地保持原样.


而可持续旅行旨在通过减轻对目的地的任何现有负面影响来防止进一步的环境损害, 再生旅行更进了一步,寻求留下一个比发现时更好的目的地. At its core, 再生旅游是指将具有生态意识的旅行者与完全致力于长期改善的志同道合的社区和企业联系起来.

If you’re serious about regenerative travel, 首先要确保你的旅行花费是有目的和意图的. Research your accommodations, tour providers, restaurants, 以及你计划访问的具体目的地,并查看他们的政策. If you like what you see, book away. 如果你没有,继续寻找更能反映你价值观的工作. 这里有一些额外的建议,教你如何以再生的焦点旅行.

Choose planet-friendly accommodations

长期以来,加州一直是创新和前瞻性思维的发源地, especially in the hospitality industry. At The Ranch Malibu, 工作人员通过在酒店200英亩的土地上种植本地物种来支持当地的野生动物 Santa Monica Mountains. Additionally, 庄园内所有的铁丝网都已拆除,以便动物自然迁徙. 每天在山上徒步旅行,欣赏重新造林的努力, located just three miles above the Pacific. 著名的健康逃生也致力于减少其碳足迹. 农场提供了一个独特的植物为基础的菜单,食材种植在其认证的有机花园-采取参观了解如何再生农场工作, then put your knowledge to use in a vegan cooking class.

In Orange County, The Ranch at Laguna Beach (no relation) is a member of Beyond Green, a global portfolio of hotels, resorts, and lodges that exemplify sustainability leadership. As a guest, 您可以选择在房费中添加“树木费”,用于支付在酒店种植树木的费用. 每棵树在其一生中从大气中吸收大约一吨的碳. Enjoy a sustainably sourced meal at Harvest, 它被命名为拉古纳海滩第一家“海洋友好”餐厅 Surfrider Foundation.

在奥兰治县这颗隐藏的宝石里,回收利用很重要——甚至房间钥匙都是可生物降解的. 酒店鼓励员工把家里的垃圾带到酒店, 在哪里将其堆肥并用于现场的生物动力花园. For their “Bottles to Bunkers” initiative, 每个玻璃瓶都被压碎成细沙,然后用来填充度假村的高尔夫球场沙坑和其他景观. 要了解更多关于拉古纳海滩牧场及其环保举措的信息,请收听 “How to Hack Orange County” episode of the California Now Podcast.  

Get in touch with nature

如果心跳加速的探险更符合你的速度,那就考虑与 Intrepid Travel. The tour operator has not only achieved carbon-neutral status, 但业主也计划使其成为世界上第一家“气候积极”的旅游公司, 从大气中去除的二氧化碳比它们产生的还要多. 该公司通过投资野生动物保护项目来实现这一目标, human rights initiatives, local communities, and the environment.  此外,“无畏旅行”还在每次提供的旅行中纳入了补偿费用.

您可以选择各种惊险刺激的金州之旅, including cycling in Sonoma and Napa Valley and hiking, biking, and kayaking adventures in the Sierra Nevada. On the hiking through Yosemite and Kings Canyon 参观,客人享受导游步行穿过历史悠久的阿瓦尼村 Yosemite National Park and learn about Native American heritage. This tour also explores the fauna and flora at Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks.

Support regenerative businesses

虽然这在旅游领域可能是一个新颖的概念,但这种再生运动并不新鲜. 事实上,农业和设计行业已经使用再生策略几十年了. Beltane Ranch in Glen Ellen is one of many regenerative vineyards and farms in Sonoma County. 第六代业主劳伦和亚历克斯·本沃德还管理着100多英亩的开放空间 Sonoma Valley, providing habitat for wildlife, pollinators, and native flora, as well as recharging groundwater and sequestering carbon.

Beltane Ranch is also home to the Farm Stay Inn这是废奴主义者和商人玛丽·艾伦·普莱森特建造的历史性地标. 如今,旅馆由六个通风的房间组成,俯瞰着维护得无懈可击的财产. Take a tour 遗产葡萄园的105英亩自然保护区的幕后看看再生农业运作. Explore the benefits of growing heirloom produce, 了解传粉者栖息地恢复项目的内容, and learn the importance of being stewards to the land.

Food & Farm Tours, also in Sonoma County, 是一家女性拥有的小公司,专门从事北加州的可持续和可再生农业. On their Flavors of Point Reyes food tour, discover the world of eco-friendly oyster production, 了解使用当地的古老谷物制作面包的过程, 在再生农场收获时令水果和蔬菜. As instructive as it is delicious, a visit to Food & 农场旅游对保护社区的当地农业经济也大有帮助.

California Winery

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