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Snake down mind-bending switchbacks on one of the curviest—and most photographed—streets 在 world

朗伯德街 in 旧金山 is one of the most well-known streets on the entire West Coast, but basic name recognition can be as far as many visitors’ knowledge goes. Often, questions such as “Why is 朗伯德街 so famous?” and even “Can you still drive down 朗伯德街?” (yes you can) and “How much does it cost to do down 朗伯德街?(这是免费的). Before going to see this iconic zig-zag for yourself, 在这里’s what you need to know.

W在这里 Is 朗伯德街, and Why Is It Famous?

伦巴第街横跨伦敦的北端 旧金山 从东到西,绵延三英里 的要塞 一直到 内河码头 海滨. It’s a beautiful street—much of it passes through the charming 俄罗斯山 neighborhood—but t在这里’s not much to distinguish it 从 others in this picturesque city. 直到突然间. 在海德街和莱文沃斯街之间, 你会发现一小部分, 只有一个街区那么长, that has earned it the moniker “The Crookedest Street 在 World,”然后,, 享誉全球的. (不过,应该指出的是, 佛蒙特州街沿岸泥沙垅山 neighborhood, about five miles away, is actually the crookedest street in 旧金山.) And yes, you can still drive down Lombard, though only in one direction—downhill.


The steep hill that Lombard traverses has a daunting incline of 27 degrees. 回到20世纪20年代, 当街道被设计的时候, that would have presented a challenge f或者是 automobiles of the day to climb, and could have been dangerous 在 downhill direction. The zig-zagging route was an effort to make it easier to climb, 对车辆和行人更安全. Since then, the 600-foot-long block has featured eight hairpin-tight turns. Perfectly manicured shrubs and pastel-colored hydrangeas line the serpentine red-brick road, 增加了幻想的感觉. 每一天, well over a thousand visitors test their mettle (and their brake pads) with a drive down the block.


Set your navigation to 1099 朗伯德街, which will take you to the top of the hill. 如果你觉得有必要下车的话, know that street parking is a longshot; the nearest parking garage is about six blocks away at 721 Filbert Street. If you’re taking public transit, you can access the hill by way of 公共汽车 (the 30 will take you straight 从 Union Square to Columbus Avenue, a few blocks 从 Lombard). 如果坐缆车的话 Powell-Hyde线 will drop you off right at the intersection of Hyde and Lombard (the top of the crooked block), 或者是 Powell-Mason线 will drop you three blocks away at Lombard and Columbus.


You can enjoy this 旧金山 windy road a few different ways. Get the full experience by heading t在这里 with your own set of wheels—just be prepared for a wait as other vehicles slither down the switchbacks. Once you reach pole position at the top of Lombard, get ready for a safe yet oddly dangerous-feeling experience—advancing forward while unable to see any of the road immediately in front of you can feel like you’re driving off a cliff. 美丽的景色 旧金山湾, 渔人码头,和 金门大桥 will be tempting, but keep your eyes on the road!

如果你步行的话, 你可以走在街上, carefully hugging the bushes (cars have been known to jump the curb); or climb up and down the public stairways on either side of the street.

While the top of the hill delivers on cityscape views, the block’s eastern terminus is the most famous photo location. Pull over to park and make sure to snap a photo of the whimsical road 从 below. You’ll be right next to the fictional home of Scottie 从 Alfred Hitchcock’s 眩晕位于朗伯德街900号.


The best time to visit 朗伯德街 is during relatively low-traffic times, 所以要避开高峰时间和周末下午. A great option is to go at night—the lights of the city stretching off into the distance are a dramatic sight, 人口也会减少. Remember that the stunning mansions lining the road are actual homes and residents still need to access their driveways and doors. Read 更多的 about the respectful ways to visit 在这里.


Make the most of your visit to the 俄罗斯山 area by browsing the boutiques on Polk Street, 欣赏 屁股塔 从 在Coolbrith公园,然后停下来 城市之光书店自1955年以来,它一直是旧金山的一家机构. The neighborhood is also home to many foodie magnets: the original location of 斯温森冰淇淋店 has been a 俄罗斯山 mainstay since 1948; 奶酪+ is a no-nonsense to-go cheese and sandwich shop w在这里 you can get a delectable hand-held creation with such ingredients as smoked duck breast and fig chutney. 要想坐下来吃饭,不妨试试 妓女 (法国), Frascati (意大利),或 大象寿司. 对于住宿, the western part of Lombard between the Presidio and Van Ness Avenue is lined with dozens of both old-school independent and chain hotels.



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