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So You Think You Know Long Beach?

So You Think You Know Long Beach?

Vintage vibes, speakeasies, 新鲜的面包——这个充满活力的城市的个性远远超出了港口

The whole city of Long Beach is a bit of a hidden gem. 由风景优美的海滨和热门景点,如 Aquarium of the Pacific and Museum of Latin American Art (MOLAA), 这座洛杉矶县的港口城市也有着充满活力的个性,这是建立在其迷人而有时又古怪的历史之上的. After all, the city has seen its own oil boom, held a Grand Prix auto race on city streets, 1947年主持了霍华德·休斯 Spruce Goose. 品尝和浏览这个以自己的地方风味而自豪的小镇.

Arize Bistro

你可以花半天时间游览东村艺术区, known for eclectic shops and cafes. Start with a good meal: Berlin Bistro serves up satisfying takes on brunch, lunch, 晚餐——想想饼干和肉汁或脆鸡炒饭, as well as omelets, sandwiches, and paninis.

Fingerprints Music 

东村的另一个亮点是柏林小酒馆:唱片店 Fingerprints Music. While thumbing through new and vintage albums, keep an eye out for anyone doing a soundcheck, since the store is known for its secret concerts. 喷火战机乐队(Foo Fighters)、杰克·约翰逊(Jack Johnson)、克里西·海德(Chrissy Hynde)和卢·里德(Lou Reed)都曾在这里演出. 沿着第四街往下走是复古街(Retro Row),还有其他不错的娱乐场所,比如书店 Page Against the Machine and the vegan ice cream parlor Hug Life.

The Varden Hotel 

The 35-room Varden Hotel 自1929年以多莉·瓦尔登酒店(Dolly Varden Hotel)的名字开业以来,它一直是长滩的重要组成部分. (它是以酒店老板追求的一位喜爱珠宝的马戏团演员的名字命名的.)承诺“每个房间都有浴室”的标志性霓虹灯招牌仍然矗立在外面, 但酒店的内部结合了老派的氛围与当代美学. 原来的通风井现在让大量的自然光进入, 而最重要的浴室则装饰着马赛克和大理石地铁瓷砖. 楼下有每晚的酒会,早上还有免费早餐.

The 4th Horseman

Pizza and beer take on a darkly comic character at The 4th Horseman, 这家披萨店自称是“末日”披萨店——部分原因是死亡天使之类的披萨, topped with blue cheese crumbles, and Rosemary’s Baby, with Italian sausage and balsamic mushrooms. The really creepy stuff is actually at the pizzeria’s onsite The Dark Art Emporium博物馆里陈列着头骨、动物标本和其他稀奇古怪的东西. Happily, 没有必要被优质的旋转啤酒所吓倒, 其中通常包括来自长滩热闹的啤酒厂的酒, such as the Monte Weissbier from Ten Mile Brewing in Signal Hill.

Urban Americana 

如果你喜欢复古装饰,你可以花几个小时浏览 Urban Americana这是一个占地16000平方英尺的宝藏,位于长滩的历史古迹 Zaferia district. 探索来自40多家经销商的巨大库存, 包括专营中世纪现代艺术品的商店, farmhouse, and vintage industrial. 即使你不喜欢时髦的沙发, you’ll be tempted to pick up charming housewares, rugs, vintage signs, and even skateboards.

Ficklewood Ciderworks, Long Beach

Ficklewood Ciderworks 

If you love any excuse to linger over your drink, Ficklewood Ciderworks has your number. 这家位于东村的苹果酒酿造机(位于前车管所的遗址上)是在疫情爆发前推出的, 提供一间客厅式的品尝室,里面摆满了桌游——这是一个强烈的暗示,暗示你在这里待一会儿也挺好的. Start with the Ficklewood Original, made with three different apple ciders, 然后是一些选择,比如Bramblebark(带有黑莓和一点香草), the wine lovers’ WiseVine, or Harbor Buzz, a cider steeped in coffee beans from nearby Rose Park Roasters.

The Exhibition Room 

Long Beach is home to a few speakeasies, including The Exhibition Room, 你从一个中美洲餐厅的电话亭里的假墙进去,这个餐厅叫 Roxanne’s. 展览室的历史也许不能追溯到禁酒令时期, its decor recalls the olden days of the port town, and the curated cocktails have a throwback vibe, like the Penicillin (Sheep Dip scotch, fresh ginger, lemon, and honey) and the Old Cuban (rum, Champagne, bitters, lime, and mint). 如果你预订了,你到达后给酒吧发短信就会得到密码. To extend your tour, go to Whatever Lola Wants, a speakeasy inside a bar (Mezcalero) which is itself inside a restaurant (Padre). 试试“雷奶奶”,这是一种混合了多香果、罗望子和酸橙的朗姆酒.

Gusto Bread

无论你把gusto定义为品味(西班牙语)还是热情(英语), 这家店位于第四街的复古街panadería,名不虚传. Gusto Bread在长滩(Long beach),自学成才的首席面包师已经培养了一批狂热的追随者——你可能会发现门口有人在排队买任何一种面包, biscuits, and long breads, 或者像conchas(一种裹着糖饼干糖霜的甜面包)或脆核桃饼干polvorone这样的美食.

Rancho Los Alamitos 

探索花园和历史建筑,这个保存完好的牧场位于校园附近 California State University, Long Beach. Over the course of 1,500 years, Rancho Los Alamitos 曾被通瓦人、西班牙和墨西哥殖民者以及美国农民占领过吗. Its name means “Ranch of the Cottonwoods,这是对房地产价值的致敬(白杨只有在水充足的地方才能茁壮成长)。. 每个人都喜欢这里修复的谷仓院子——马、山羊、鸡和兔子的家.

Gondola Getaway 

就像洛杉矶的威尼斯海滩社区是仿照意大利城市一样, Long Beach’s island community of Naples 拥有自己的意大利风情,包括可以乘坐贡多拉探索的运河系统. Take a one-hour ride with Gondola Getaway参观岛上的五座桥和美丽的海滨住宅. 自带行李,并为您的旅行提供免费的瓶塞,以及舒适的毯子.

Pigeon’s Rollerskate Shop 

Walk Long Beach’s four-mile Shoreline Pedestrian Bike path 你可能会看到人们骑着看起来很酷的五颜六色的滑板滑过, glittery, and maybe even mounted on a pair of Vans. There’s a good chance they came from Pigeon’s Rollerskate Shop on Retro Row. 挑选一些库存的溜冰鞋——在商店的坡道上测试一下——或者订购一双定制的来送货.

Dominguez Rancho Adobe Museum

在长滩以北八英里的兰乔·多明格斯 the Dominguez Rancho Adobe Museum位于Dominguez家族1826年的土坯房内. 游客可以在这里了解加州从西班牙和墨西哥的根源到加入美国的转变, 以及多明格斯家族在加州兰乔时代早期(1784-1846)所扮演的角色。. Multiple free tours are conducted every Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday, and the first Thursday and Friday of every month, and the Rose Garden, the Cactus Garden, and the orchards are accessible to all.

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