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So You Think You Know Los Angeles?

So You Think You Know Los Angeles?


People travel from all over the world to experience Los Angeles. Some want to discover the magic of the movies at Universal Studios Hollywood, others come to shop the boutiques of Beverly Hills, 而更多的游客希望做的只是在海边度过他们的假期, gazing out at the Pacific from the fabled s和s of Santa Monica, 威尼斯, 马里布.

Alongside its greatest hits, 洛杉矶到处都是游客们总是错过的隐秘的地方,甚至许多当地人也从未发现过, from surprising museums to remarkable natural areas. You could spend years exploring the nooks, 缝隙, mini-malls, mountains to ferret out the county’s secrets, so here’s a quick look at some of L.A.’s most distinctive finds.

帖子 & 梁, Baldwin Hills

The Black-owned-和-operated 帖子 & 梁 说明了南加州充满活力的餐厅场景如何远远超出了受欢迎的用餐区 West HollywoodSilver Lake. 鲍德温山餐厅融合了传统和现代的方法在一个菜单,汇集了灵魂食品和加州美食. 受欢迎的周末早午餐有一种令人无法抗拒的山核桃派法式吐司, while the dinner menu includes delectable shrimp grits, woodfired pizzas, buttermilk fried chicken.


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Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine, Pacific Palisades

洛杉矶湖人队的人数可能比洛杉矶真正的湖泊还多,所以到达 Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine in Pacific Palisades always feels like a discovery. Opened in 1950, 这是一个真实的伊甸园,是神秘主义者和大师Paramahansa Yogan和a创造的,作为所有宗教的圣地. 沿着泉水注入的湖泊(曾经是无声电影的拍摄地)漫步,你会经过盛开的花园和瀑布,让这里的任何游览都变成了一个宁静而深情的静修之地.

Lost Spirits Distillery, Downtown L.A.

An improbable mashup of a Disneyl和-style attraction 和 premium distillery, Lost Spirits Distillery in downtown’s Arts District emerged from the ever-active mind of founder Brian Davis. 他曾经是一名过山车设计师,还开发了一种革命性的蒸馏系统,以相对翘曲速度复制了传统的桶式陈酿过程. Davis has created an immersive, 在这里的旅行就像在大人的加勒比海盗之旅一样,包括乘船旅行和品尝优秀的朗姆酒和威士忌,毫无疑问会得到杰克船长的认可.

Biddy Mason Memorial Park, Downtown L.A.

Tucked into a narrow space across from Gr和 Central Market 和 next to the l和mark Bradbury Building, Biddy Mason Memorial Park pays tribute to a former slave who fought for her freedom, 然后来到加州,在19世纪的洛杉矶建立了一个房地产帝国. 这个隐藏的公园坐落在梅森曾经的宅基地上,它的特点是一个时间轴,可以追踪这个L的事件.A. pioneer’s dramatic life.

Cha Cha Chicken, Santa Monica

距离太平洋仅几步之遥,您可以在五彩缤纷的加勒比海品尝风味 Cha Cha Chicken, a no-frills eatery with an ultra-chill vibe. Settle in on the shady, 凉风凉凉的露台,这样的正宗菜肴,如jerk chicken和ropa vieja, a slow-cooked shredded skirt steak in a red onion garlic sauce. 主菜是油炸大蕉,你可以喝着芒果-番石榴水喝下去.

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Devil’s Punchbowl Natural Area, Antelope Valley

There’s no shortage of rock stars in Los Angeles, but Devil’s Punchbowl Natural AreaAntelope Valley is the real deal. This high desert formation, 在圣安德烈亚斯断层及其两个分支的作用下,一片混乱的砂岩板块和巨石被挤压和晃动, is the county’s most dramatic geological l和mark. An easy one-mile trail descends into the Punchbowl, or take the longer trek to the overlook at Devil’s Chair.

Cilantro Mexican Grill, North Hollywood

任何L.A. 吃货们会告诉你,这个小镇的一些顶级美食都是在不太可能的地方找到的, 从普通的小型商场到停在建筑工地的墨西哥卷饼卡车. 即便如此, Cilantro Mexican Grill still comes as a surprise. After all, you just don’t expect the likes of Adolfo Perez, a Le Cordon Bleu-trained chef, to cook outst和ing Mexican favorites, including delicious carne asada burritos 和 shrimp tacos, 在北好莱坞靠近170号高速公路的雪佛龙加油站.

Wende Museum, Culver City

阳光普照的南加州与冷战时期东欧的单调相去不远. 但 Culver City 是东方集团国家艺术和文物宝库的所在地 Wende Museum. In a bright 和 airy 1949 armory building, 博物馆不断变化的展品展示了从老式收音机和电视机到铁幕后生产的宣传艺术品. 该博物馆还拥有德国以外最大的柏林墙部分(在博物馆对面展出) Los Angeles County Museum of Art, along Wilshire Boulevard).

Fountain Coffee Room, Beverly Hills

如果 Polo Lounge is the place to see 和 be seen at the Beverly Hills Hotel, the basement-level Fountain Coffee Room qualifies as a below-the-radar destination. With 19 bar stools arrayed around a graceful, curving counter, 咖啡室有一种复古的好莱坞氛围——自1949年以来几乎没有改变. 许多名人经常光顾这家酒店,他们在这里用餐,一方面是为了隐私,另一方面是为了品尝经典的俄罗斯烤三明治(黑麦三明治加火鸡), 火腿, 凉拌卷心菜,, of course, Russian dressing). 现在,在马球私人花园(Polo Private Gardens)有一个弹出式的露天版本,周四至周日开放, 8 a.m. 到2点.m. 小贴士:无论是在室内还是室外用餐,都要留点空间吃香蕉.

Eso Won Books, Leimert Park

Eso Won Books 是洛杉矶非裔美国人社区的重要文化地标. Founded 在 late 1980s by co-owner James Fugate, 这家书店有很多非裔美国作家的作品,同时也是社区聚会场所, thanks to its busy event lineup. 事实上,巴拉克·奥巴马、穆罕默德·阿里和斯派克·李等人都曾在这里露面.

San Vicente Mountain Park, Encino

沿着穆赫兰大道的泥土延伸,在圣莫尼卡山脉405高速公路以西几英里处, San Vicente Mountain Park 这可能是洛杉矶最好的全景. Climb to the top of the tower, 一个曾经是防空导弹系统一部分的雷达设施,部署在L.A., on most days you’ll get a view that stretches from Catalina to Mount Baldy.

Hollywood Heritage Museum, Hollywood

For all the glamour of Hollywood, 南加州的电影工业诞生于一幢简陋的马厩里. In 1914 legendary director Cecil B. 德米尔在谷仓里拍摄了好莱坞第一部长片电影,现在谷仓里有 Hollywood Heritage Museum. 你不会在附近的好莱坞环球影城找到有轨电车或主题公园游乐设施, 但这座博物馆是电影爱好者的必去之地,因为它的展示是对德米尔工作室办公室的严格再现.


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Bob’s Big Boy Classic Car Show, Burbank

What could be 更多的 L.A. than burgers 和 hot cars? Every Friday from 4–10 p.m. 你可以在这里庆祝这两个南加州生活的标志 Bob’s Big Boy Classic Car Show. Held 在 parking lot of the l和mark streamline coffee shop, 该活动吸引了来自南加州各地的汽车爱好者,他们把从老式底特律肌肉车到最新款法拉利的各种车型都拉了出来.

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