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California’s largest tribe possesses a proud history and offers tourists rich and varied experiences along the scenic North Coast

The Yurok Reservation stretches inland from the Pacific Ocean for nearly 50 miles along the Klamath River on California’s North Coast. 这是一片富饶的土地, with salmon runs on the Klamath and California condors soaring above forests of towering coast redwoods and Douglas fir. 无数代的Yurok人, 现在是加州最大的部落,有6个,000名注册会员, 与祖先的土地和谐相处. And the natural world remains central to Yurok identity, even as the tribe builds for the future.

Yurok Country 是否有一个地区等待被探索, 因为它壮观的风景和丰富的文化传统, 并欢迎渴望探索该州特别地方之一的游客.

“We’re surrounded by the beauty of nature and we want people to experience that,” says Joseph L. 詹姆斯,这个联邦承认的部落的部落主席. “作为尤洛克人,bbin游戏官网欢迎你来参观bbin游戏官网. We hope our visitors will be respectful and mindful and come in a good way and leave in a good way. We have created opportunities that fit well with who we are as a people and showcase them. It’s important for us as Yurok people to never forget where we came from and who we are today.”

James describes the Yurok as “a river people” and characterizes the Klamath as “our lifeline. 这是bbin游戏官网的心,是bbin游戏官网的文化.” He says the Yurok take a special pride in the long-running effort that is leading to the removal of four dams on the lower Klamath, 这是美国同类项目中最大的一个.S. history.

“It has been over 20 years and the dam removal is the key to bringing balance back to Yurok,” says James. “bbin游戏官网祈求平衡, 这样鲑鱼就能回到它们的原产地, 它们从哪里来,又要去哪里. We can have a free-flowing river and return the Klamath back to its original state.”

该部落对环境的坚定承诺导致了最近的其他里程碑. Once nearly extinct and still in the early stages of recovering to historic numbers, 加州秃鹰(Prey-go-neesh 詹姆斯说:“(尤罗克语)扮演着神圣的文化角色。. 2022年,100年来的第一次, 秃鹰又在新西兰上空飞行了, thanks to the 北加州秃鹰恢复计划. 部落之间的协作努力, 联邦和州机构, and conservation organizations aims to reintroduce these magnificent birds to this area of their original range.

James, 谁说自己是“传统的人”,说,除了它的环保举措, 该部落还采取了重要措施来保护Yurok文化.

“At one point, 也许在30年前, bbin游戏官网认为bbin游戏官网的Yurok语言将会减少并消失,” he says. “Not now. We are flourishing and have an education department that has created a Yurok language program. It includes fluent speakers who provide language opportunities for Yurok tribal government employees, 社区中的部落成员, 在bbin游戏官网的学校里. bbin游戏官网已经走了很长一段路,甚至开发了能说短语的应用程序. bbin游戏官网为这些努力感到自豪.”


你的第一站应该是 Yurok国家游客中心这是在镇 Klamath 以北约63英里 Eureka. 除了关于地区景点的信息, the center has a gift shop offering traditional crafts and exhibits about Yurok culture, 包括一艘红木独木舟.

一对罕见的独木舟用于引导 红木独木舟之旅, during which visitors can spend either two or four hours traveling with expert guides up a stretch of the Klamath. The tours offer a one-of-a-kind opportunity to experience the remarkable performance of these timeless canoes as guides introduce aspects of Yurok tribal culture and describe the ecology of the river and forest from a native perspective.

这是一次非常不同的冒险(辛烷值更高),往返45英里 克拉马斯河快艇游 电力上游, 停下来拍摄风景和, 再加上一点运气, 像熊这样的野生动物, bald eagles, and ospreys. 这趟旅程需要两个小时, 或者你可以选择一小时的远足,探索克拉马斯河河口.

Another unique way to experience the Klamath is on salmon fishing outings with Yurok guide Pergish Carlson’s 蓝溪导游服务. 近60年来,这种鱼在Yurok文化中扮演着重要角色, 这个部落举办了一年一度的活动 鲑鱼节, a great place to try salmon cooked in the traditional style—on stakes over an open pit fire.

在Yurok Country的住宿范围从 历史悠久的Requa酒店, which was built in 1914 and commands a point overlooking the spot where the Klamath meets the Pacific, 致当代人 红木酒店赌场. 酒店是探索该地区的一个很好的起点 红木国家公园和州立公园, where trails lead into cathedral-like stands of redwoods and explore gorgeous coastal areas.

At Sue-meg州立公园 在特立尼达附近,你可以探索锡特卡云杉的森林,并参观一个 village 由尤洛克部落成员规划和建造的传统建筑. The tribe recently signed a memorandum of understanding with California State Parks that allows for traditional gathering within ancestral Yurok territory. 在克拉马斯家 神秘之树 attraction, visitors can take gondola rides through redwood forests and explore along the Canopy Trail, a system of netted suspension bridges that run as much as 100 feet above the ground.


The Yurok people once lived in more than 50 villages along the coast and Klamath River. 土地和水源提供了充足的食物来源, 从鲑鱼和贻贝到森林的橡子和浆果, 还有麋鹿和鹿. The Yurok built homes and communal structures out of fallen redwood logs and revered the giant trees as sacred beings. 

When American trappers and traders arrived and settlement began in the early 1800s, Yurok的世界发生了巨大的变化, 尤其是在淘金热之后. The two cultures came into increasing conflict and according to the tribal website, 75%的Yurok人死于大屠杀或猖獗的疾病.

In 1855, 联邦政府建立了尤洛克保留区, 迫使部落只能生活在祖传土地的一小块上, 它曾经占地约一百万英亩. The advent of commercial logging degraded the river and led to a decline in the salmon runs that had long sustained the Yurok, 罐头生产的开始进一步减少了鱼类的数量.

这种影响并不局限于Yurok的环境. The forceable removal of children to distant boarding schools to assimilate them devastated families and the Yurok culture. 尽管困难重重, the Yurok managed to keep alive at least some traditional practices and eventually the culture began to recover. 许多部落成员现在都希望复兴.

The tribe is also trying to expand and diversify the economic base to create new opportunities for the community. 正如詹姆斯主席所说, the tribe is ready to do what’s necessary to protect its lands and culture while building a prosperous future. “这是一个持续的事情. No matter what the battle is, or where it’s located, whether in California, back in D.C.或者在国际上,Yurok人会四处旅行,做bbin游戏官网必须做的事情.”



