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A Visitor’s Guide to Point Loma, San Diego

A Visitor’s Guide to Point Loma, San Diego

One of San Diego’s lesser-known destinations, 洛马角有几个隐藏的宝石,值得一游

Just west of downtown San Diego 在科罗纳多海军航空站的另一边,坐落着洛马角半岛, known for its tide pools, sandstone cliffs, and the historic Cabrillo National Monument.

Today, 洛马角既指半岛,也指位于其基地的社区. Along with its cliffside parks and historical artifacts, it is also home to Point Loma Nazarene University and Liberty Station这里曾是海军训练基地,现已被改造成购物和艺术胜地. The bayside neighborhoods of Harbor Island and Shelter Island,两者都通过狭长的陆地与大陆相连,也是半岛的一部分.

The History of Point Loma

欧洲探险者在西海岸的第一个登陆点, 洛马角有时被认为是现代加利福尼亚开始的地方. (在欧洲人于1542年到达之前,当地的库梅雅人已经在该地区生活和捕鱼了几个世纪, 由于岩石海滩和缺乏淡水,洛马角没有永久性定居点.18世纪末,洛马角一直是一个活跃的航运港口,是许多西班牙和美国商人的家园.S. 从19世纪到20世纪,这里一直是军事基地、训练场和堡垒. Along with the famous old Point Loma lighthouse (first lit in 1855), 半岛上还有其他五处遗址被列入国家史迹名录.

Kona Kai Resort Spa, San Diego, California

Where to Stay in Point Loma

洛马角的南端主要由公园和海滩组成, 而在圣地亚哥国际机场附近的北端是自由站和一群酒店的所在地, including big names such as Homewood Suites by Hilton and Courtyard by Marriott.

在人造的谢尔特岛上,有四家酒店,每家都有自己的码头. The Kona Kai Resort & Spa 是一个波利尼西亚主题的度假胜地,是一个不错的豪华家庭度假基地. Humphrey’s Half Moon Inn 也有热带的氛围和自己的流行现场音乐场地(汉弗莱斯海湾音乐会).

On the mainland of the Point Loma peninsula, 大多数酒店都在自由站和庇护岛入口附近. The Pearl Hotel 这栋在20世纪60年代被设计成运动员小屋的房子,是当地人最喜欢的吗?如今,它被改造成了一幢有23个房间的时髦酒店,里面有一个牡蛎形状的游泳池和内部鸡尾酒吧. The Sea Harbor Hotel 提供便利和负担得起的看法码头.

On the opposite side of the peninsula, the Inn at Sunset Cliffs 提供令人惊叹的海景和风景如画的悬崖顶游泳池和露台. 因为机场和圣地亚哥市中心离洛马角很近, 住在附近的酒店也很方便.

Stone Brewing, Liberty Station, San Diego, California

Where to Eat in Point Loma

Like the hotels, 大多数商店和餐馆也位于洛马角的北端. Liberty Station Public Market, open every day from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., 它的市场大厅里有30多家当地食品摊贩,还有露台,你可以在外面享受美食. Next door is the 23,500-square-foot Stone Brewing World Bistro and Gardens, built into the old Naval Training Center’s mess hall. 而自由站周围艺术区的街道上则到处都是咖啡馆, coffee shops, and restaurants, you can also venture to Shelter Island to try Point Loma Seafoods这里每天都有新鲜的鱼和几十年的家庭食谱,或者 Mitch’s Seafood, a popular bayfront spot known for its fish tacos. Also located on Shelter Island, Bali Hai is famous for its tiki temple and mai tais.

Liberty Public Market, San Diego, California

5 Fun Things to Do in Point Loma

Visit the Old Point Loma Lighthouse

Located on the southern tip of the peninsula is the Cabrillo National Monument, home to the historic Point Loma Lighthouse. 这座古老的灯塔海拔462英尺,曾经是美国最高的灯塔.S. but is no longer in use. 它后来被翻新,现在是一个博物馆,周围环绕着壮观的圣地亚哥全景和海洋. 公园的入场费是每辆车20美元,如果你徒步或骑自行车进入,每人10美元.

Play in the Point Loma Tide Pools

Also located in Cabrillo National Monument在美国,洛马角潮汐池每年吸引超过35万游客. After entering the park and paying the entrance fee, take Cabrillo Road all the way down to the parking lot; it’s then a short walk and scramble down to the water. 潮池在秋季和冬季是最好的参观时间, when low tides occur during daylight hours. Check the tide tables before you go. Permits are required for groups of 10 or more.

Enjoy the Views at Sunset Cliffs

You might have guessed: The best thing to do at Sunset Cliffs Natural Park is watch the sunset. A 68-acre city park that stretches 1.沿着海岸沿着洛马角西侧的狭长地带走了5英里, 沿着岩石悬崖有很多地方可以停下来看太阳下山. 在退潮时,您还可以从卢斯科姆角步行到日落悬崖洞穴. 从12月到4月初,你有最好的机会看到灰鲸从阿拉斯加迁徙到墨西哥. 内幕贴士:最好的停车地点是日落崖大道南端(Landera街)的大型公园,或者鱼鹰街(Osprey Street)附近的停车场.

Explore Shelter Island

Connected to the main part of Point Loma via a spit of land, Shelter Island isn’t technically an island. 这是一个突出到圣地亚哥湾的地峡,创造了一个庇护公园和划船的地方. This is where you’ll find sandy beaches, fishing piers, boat ramps, picnic tables, and a few small fire pits for late-night bonfires. Take a boat trip with Sail San Diego or Next Level Sailing. You can also stay at the luxury Polynesian-themed resort Kona Kai or Humphrey’s Half Moon Inn—which hosts popular public concerts by the bay.

Shop at Liberty Station

For 74 years, Liberty Station was the location of San Diego’s Naval Training Center. But since the station was closed in 1997, it has transformed into a mixed-use retail and arts district. 这包括一个沿着船道的大型公园,以及一个繁荣的零售和艺术区. Along with the food vendors in Liberty Station Public Market, the arts district hosts First Friday events every month. Check the calendar for upcoming classes and events.

而潮池和灯塔可能是洛马角最著名的景点, if you’re spending multiple days in the area, 一定要去看看周围所有历史悠久的地堡和砂岩洞穴 Cabrillo National Monument. 如果所有的自然美都让你受到启发(当然会),你也可以看看其他的 fascinating tide pools and amazing hikes around San Diego County.

California Winery

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