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11 Dishes and Drinks Invented in California

11 Dishes and Drinks Invented in California


Did you know that Hidden Valley Ranch is a real place? 或者法式蘸酱三明治的发明是由于一次意外? 这11道菜和饮料的起源有一些令人惊讶的故事——它们都发生在加利福尼亚州. 

Martini (Martinez)

你相信马提尼最初是用来代替香槟的吗? There are plenty of stories about how the 马提尼 was invented, 但北加州的一个小镇却有一个相当令人信服的说法. During Californias Gold Rush, people flocked to the hills to find their fortunes. Most weren它成功了,但少数发家致富的人却渴望庆祝. 当 one lucky miner hit the jackpot, 他走进马丁内斯的一家酒吧,要了一杯香槟酒庆祝一下. The bartender didnt have Champagne on hand, so he had to get a little creative. 于是,他将苏特恩(Sauternes)葡萄酒(类似于苦艾酒)与杜松子酒混合,称之为马丁内斯特调. 矿工为酒吧买了一轮酒,这种酒就流传了下来,酒吧的名字最终演变成了 马提尼.”

Mai Tai Cocktail (Emeryville)

The mai tai cocktail serves up some serious tropical vacay vibes. 事实上, 你可能会认为这道菜的配方来自一个充满异国情调的岛屿,而不是东湾的埃默里维尔镇. The cocktail was created at Trader Vic’s to showcase a fancy rum that he had just gotten in stock. 维克把他调制的酒给一些从塔希提岛来的朋友喝. 尝了一口后,他们惊叹道:“Maita 'i roa a 'e”,意思是“世界上最好的。.” That’s a bit of a mouthful, so Vic shortened the name to “mai tai.有趣的事实:在20世纪40年代和50年代,迈泰酒非常受欢迎,据报道,它们耗尽了世界上的朗姆酒供应.

Popsicle (奥克兰)

What’s in a name? Everything. One chilly 奥克兰 晚上, 11岁的弗兰克·艾普森(Frank Epperson)把一个装满含糖饮料的水罐放在外面过夜,结果水罐和棍子都冻住了. 弗兰克称他的意外发明为“epe -sicle”(由他的姓氏和冰柱组合而成)。. Years later, his kids changed the name to “popsicle.” The catchier moniker stuck, and the popsicle is now a summer staple.

Cioppino (San Francisco)

This 意大利 fish stew definitely originated on Fisherman’s Wharf back in the late 1800s. The origin of the name “cioppino,” however, is a bit of a mystery. 最流行的故事是,渔民会提着一个空桶走下码头,让别人“凑足”一些他们捕获的东西,做一顿公共炖菜. Some historians take issue with that claim. 他们认为,“cioppino”这个名字最有可能来自意大利北部的单词“cuippin”,” which means “fish stew.“这可能是一个不那么有趣的起源故事,但这并没有使炖菜变得不那么美味.

Jack Cheese (Pacifica)

You’ve probably heard of Jack cheese referred to as “Monterey Jack.多年来,许多人认为温和的半硬奶酪是在那里发明的. Turns out that might not have been the case. 凯瑟琳·曼宁(Kathleen Manning)是一位古董烹饪书的狂热收藏家,她偶然发现了一本1937年版的《bbin游戏官网》 Eating Across San Francisco. 这本书详细介绍了杰克奶酪最初是如何在太平洋的雷·莫里的地方发明的,还包括了他的原始配方. 书中甚至详细描述了雷是如何与一位名叫巴尔多奇的家族朋友分享他的食谱的, who then went on to manufacture the cheese on the Jack Ranch in Monterey. 这个故事是有道理的,但关于杰克奶酪起源的几乎每个细节都有激烈的争议. bbin游戏官网可以确定的是:这是金州第一个商业化生产的奶酪.

Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing (Santa Barbara)

Did you know that Hidden Valley Ranch” isnt simply a brand or a clever marketing ploy? Its a real place in Santa Barbara. In the 1950s, 退休的水管工史蒂夫·汉森(Steve Henson)在中央海岸买了一座度假牧场,他的招牌酪乳酱成了夜间公共晚餐的主食. 客人和当地人开始询问食谱,并口口相传. 汉森最终以800万美元的价格卖掉了他的配方和名字的版权. 如今,牧场沙拉酱是美国最受欢迎的沙拉酱!

Cheeseburger (Pasadena)

一个人s trash is another mans treasure. In 1924, 16-year-old Lionel Sternberger was working at his fathers Pasadena restaurant, The Rite Spot, when he accidentally burnt one side of a hamburger patty. 他没有扔掉它,而是在上面拍了一片奶酪来掩盖他的错误. (What else would you expect from a teenager?) Almost 100 years later, 四分之三的美国人在他们的汉堡里加了一片奶酪——不管他们是否喜欢re burned or not.

California Foods, California Roll, Los Angeles

California Roll (Los Angeles)

早在20世纪60年代,寿司对大多数美国食客来说都是舶来品. So Chef Ichiro Mashita of the Los Angeles restaurant Tokyo Taikan 创造了一种更受社交人群欢迎的日式主食. 他把典型的生金枪鱼换成了煮熟的螃蟹,并在海带上盖上了米饭. 加利福尼亚卷大受欢迎,并将寿司介绍给了一个饥饿的国家.

法国 Dip Sandwich (Los Angeles)

法式蘸酱三明治,很像炸薯条,其实不是来自法国. 毫无疑问,这道肉质杰作是在洛杉矶发明的, but exactly who came up with the creation is hotly debated. One of the 更多的 interesting tales: Chef Phillipe Mathieu of Phillipe The Original 在不小心将三明治掉进一大桶肉汤后,他“发明”了法式蘸酱. Unfazed, he salvaged his sandwich and was pleasantly surprised. bbin游戏官网通常不会赞成厨师利用五秒规则, but in this case, we’ll make an exception.

多力多滋玉米片 (阿纳海姆)

的大部分 Disneyland’s iconic fare has garnered quite a cult following—think Dole Whip, 油炸饼, and Mickey-shaped pretzels. 但迪斯尼乐园出品的最著名的食品可能是 多力多滋玉米片. 当 Disneyland first opened in 1955, the park’s sole Mexican food restaurant was called Casa de Frito, which was sponsored by snack-food giant Frito Lay. 有一天,, 一位销售代表注意到垃圾桶里有一堆不新鲜的玉米饼,于是提出了一个非常实用的建议:为什么不把它们煎一下呢? 没过多久,这种无味的玉米片就受到了迪士尼游客的欢迎, became part of the Frito Lay lineup. Frito Lay的营销主管阿奇博尔德·克拉克·韦斯特创造了这个名字。多力多滋玉米片,” which means “little golden things.有趣的是:韦斯特非常喜欢这种零食,以至于他的家人在他去世时把多力多滋扔进了他的坟墓.  

Taquitos (San Diego)

因为 San Diego 它位于边境,是一些非常棒的墨西哥美食的所在地. Some stick to traditions, but others like to get a little creative. In the 1950s, the kitchen staff at El殖民地土著 decided to take a few liberties with the traditional taco. Instead of folding the shell, they rolled up the fillings into a tortilla before frying it whole, calling it a “taquito.” Appetizer menus across the country would never be the same.

这些只是金州发明的一些有趣的食物. Hungry for 更多的? Sign up to receive the free e-book, Iconic California Dishes to Celebrate California Wine Month.

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