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你可以买到折扣票, 获取免费指南, secure local tips at these centers located throughout the Golden State

California is home to about 35,000 black bears, but only 22 eye-catching blue bears.

你在加州高速公路上看到的那些标志, featuring a blue bear against the outline of the Golden State, 表示22 加州欢迎中心 around the state—a treasure trove for first-time visitors, seasoned travelers, even locals.

这些中心都有一些共同点. 的y are stocked with a wide variety of free maps, brochures, visitor guides (including the 加州游客指南 和 加州自驾游), typically sell fun California souvenirs, including locally made crafts, goodies.

他们还提供了一个愉快的, 停车的好地方啊, 免费无线上网, friendly tourism experts who are eager to answer travel questions 和 give local recommendations. “每个工作人员和志愿者都住在这里, most of them have been living here for 10- or 20-plus years,Matt Beurois说, 营运总监 加州欢迎中心,尤卡谷附近的 约书亚树国家公园. “bbin游戏官网都知道公园、小路和最好的景点. 这有助于与来访者进行真诚的讨论.”

每一个 加州欢迎中心 它也有自己的个性——还有一些令人惊讶的便利设施. Here are some perks you can enjoy when you stop at one on your next road trip:

Get suggestions for a hotel, or things to do, hundreds of miles away.

加州迎宾中心的礼宾人员可以提供当地的小费, 当然, but they all share a database of recommendations from all over the state. 所以如果你要来 埃尔多拉多县 而是朝着 圣路易斯奥比斯波县 or 大棕榈泉,这里的人们 加州欢迎中心,埃尔多拉多山,可以提供在这两个目的地做什么的建议.



Many welcome centers offer ticket sales—sometimes at a discount—for local attractions 和 experiences. At 加州欢迎中心,旧金山,例如,你可以预订你的计划 旧金山 诸如 阿尔卡特拉斯岛海湾水族馆,和 加州科学院. For a fabulous overview of the city, add tickets for the hop-on-hop-off 大巴士之旅 参观必看景点包括 渡轮大厦街市嬉皮,和 美术宫.

加州欢迎中心,海滨 提供多种 折扣 以及方便的景点预订选项,包括 圣地亚哥动物园加利福尼亚的乐迪斯尼乐园度假村. 问问里面的团队成员 北圣地亚哥县 去找或者去外面的报亭看看. (Don’t miss the kiosk’s fun photo-booth option, which showcases different California backgrounds.)


工作人员在 加州圣罗莎欢迎中心,可以帮助你规划你的品酒之路 索诺玛县. Just tell them what kinds of wines you like 和 how much time you have,和y can give you names of local wineries 和 tasting rooms that fit the bill. 该中心,位于 圣罗莎’s 历史铁路广场这里也有通往45英里的便利通道 聪明的火车 这条线连接了县城和 查尔斯M. 舒尔茨索诺玛县机场, so the local experts can help you plan a trip on the train too.


Thanks to its location along Hwy 101 between 旧金山 和 Eureka, 加州欢迎中心 Ukiah (the state’s newest Welcome Center) can serve as a gateway to the majestic redwoods, 令人敬畏的太平洋, 还有品酒 奇诺县. Wildlife enthusiasts should keep their eyes peeled here—the 地区 is filled with a rich variety of animals, 秃鹰, 和蜂鸟, seasonal migrations also offer opportunities for whale watching. 

Get directions for a great hike, or pick up a backcountry permit.

At 加州欢迎中心,奥本-就在80号州际公路 旧金山 和 北太浩湖—the onsite concierges often give recommendations for nearby hikes, 在克莱门汀湖玩, 或品尝自己的方式沿着 Placer县酒 & 啤酒痕迹. 市中心的中心 奥本 also features displays that highlight the area’s history, going back to the Gold Rush. Bring in your pup, too, for a fresh bowl of water 和 a few locally made dog cookies.

加州欢迎中心,猛犸湖美国与美国的合作伙伴.S. 林业局和国家公园管理局, so you can pick up a backcountry permit or even rent a bear box to keep your food safe.


加州欢迎中心,吉尔罗伊, offers a virtual reality experience in which you can see the sights at Gilroy花园 theme park (home of rides such as the Artichoke Dip 和 Garlic Twirl) 和 fly over local garlic farms. 当你在中间的时候, 拿起蒜味食物, 比如薯片或橄榄油, 微笑的大蒜头毛绒玩具, 或者去探索另一种当地风味——a 圣克拉拉谷品酒通行证 (价值450美元,却只花了90美元).


加州欢迎中心,费尔菲尔德,就在 果冻肚皮工厂 in 索拉诺县. 如果你把 工厂自助游, 一定要做“糖果之路”寻宝游戏, which finishes at the welcome center with a little Golden State–themed prize. Browse the brochures 和 California merch, then stock up on c和y at the 果冻肚皮店 隔壁.


的 蒙特利县 的小镇 萨利纳斯 是著名的作为家乡 约翰·斯坦贝克 和 also as the headquarters of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, which was created in 1865 to connect 旧金山 和 San Diego. 它1872年的仓库为 加州欢迎中心,萨利纳斯, 在那里你可以参观展览明信片, 乘客, 和生产, which highlights the railroad’s 19th-century marketing campaign of postcards to attract both farmers 和 visitors to the area.

加州欢迎中心,城堡奥特莱斯, is surrounded by its own unique history: 的 dramatic exterior of the Citadel网点 in 洛杉矶 still reflects the remnants of the site’s 1920s tire factory, 是仿照巴比伦城堡建造的吗.



Eight 加州欢迎中心 are located at malls 和 outlet malls like the Citadel, so you can combine information-gathering with some excellent shopping. 安大略工厂, for instance, is the biggest outlet mall in the state, while 德尔阿莫时尚中心 in 托兰斯 是美国第六大购物中心.S. (甚至还做了一些。 电影有很多).

的 皮斯莫海滩的奥特莱斯 是Coach和Volcom门店的所在地,而 在Barstow的商店 和 Cabazon网点 它们都是沙漠公路旅行的主要站点. (有趣的事实是:卡巴松目前是美国唯一一家拥有500万美元资产的公司.S. 流行运动休闲品牌Vuori的奥特莱斯 圣克莱门特的奥特莱斯 这里有一家罕见的露露柠檬专卖店.)


位于 沙士达山县加州欢迎中心,安德森它是金州最北的欢迎中心. 欣赏中心的室内瀑布, then feed the local trout that swim in its pond until they are big enough to be released into the wild. Peruse the exhibits about the eight different counties in the 沙士达山级联 地区, 看看地理寻宝显示, 和艾德一起自拍, 真人大小的青铜灰熊. (注意:中间也藏着一个藏宝箱.) Browse the gift store for local products or score a discount on attractions like 沙斯塔湖洞穴.


离入口大约一个半小时 死亡谷国家公园加州欢迎中心,里奇克莱斯特 offers two virtual reality experiences: a tour of Death Valley 和 an up-close look at the 科索岩石艺术国家历史地标, one of the biggest collections of ancient cave drawings in the world (和 generally off limits to visitors).

While you’re there, check out the locally made c和les 和 petroglyph-inspired garden art. Ridgecrest 还在往北点的路上如 孤松 和 庞大的湖泊, so staffers have good tips for camping sites, fishing spots, hiking trails.


加州欢迎中心,跨境快车,连接到 蒂华纳国际机场, offers California vibes the moment you enter the 美国. 穿过 390英尺的人行天桥 欢迎中心,严格来说是在圣地亚哥的 Otay台面 社区, for tips from bilingual experts as well as both 西班牙语 和 英语 brochures 和 guides.


外 进行加州欢迎中心,尤卡谷,赞助商 年度评审艺术比赛 加州绘画,摄影和混合媒体. 的 winning pieces (as well as other pieces by winning artists) are displayed 和 often sold at the center from October through February. 全年, the desert welcome center sells national park passes 和 offers 更多的 than 100 free parking spots for overnight camping. 你也可以取附近的票 悍马探险之旅 囤货 看到的糖果.


看看外面粉色杏花的壁画 加州欢迎中心,莫德斯托, which is set in the middle of the Central Valley city’s 23-stop 壁画中. 在里面,你可以得到参观的建议 约塞米蒂80里之外,还是如何体验的 杏花游船 每年冬天,当该地区的杏仁树林五彩缤纷时. 莫德斯托另一个不容错过的景点就在附近 涂鸦美国经典汽车博物馆, which celebrates the town’s old-school car culture 和 how it inspired native son George Lucas to create the movie 美国风情画.




