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The California Questionnaire: Joe Sasto

The California Questionnaire: Joe Sasto


乔·萨斯托对烹饪的热情让他走遍了金州. He earned a bachelor’s degree at the University of California, Davis他在大学期间做过各种各样的烹饪工作. He helped open a restaurant in Ukiah在美国,他做了一名厨师,并学习了餐馆业务的来龙去脉. And then he made a serious splash in San Francisco他在一系列高端餐厅工作,包括现已倒闭的RN74意面圣殿(pasta temple) Cotogna, three-Michelin-star Quince, and Lazy Bear.

Two high-profile runs on Bravo TV’s Top Chef 帮助“小胡子乔”成为一名烹饪明星,你可以在活动上看到他的身影 Healdsburg Wine & Food Experience. He’s also writing a cookbook, 开发高端定制的意大利面和披萨工具线, 经营一家独家的佛卡夏快餐店 San Francisco called Luna Focacceria. 以下是佐藤最喜欢的加州菜.

Where do you live?  我经常在旧金山和 Los Angeles. I love them equally.

Why there? 加州的所有地方都有这样一种美——农产品, the land, the terroir, the people, the different cultures, and, of course, let's not forget about the food. 每个城市都是如此不同,如此多样化,如此丰富的生活. 对我来说,海洋也是一个美丽的冥想空间. 我很感激能在这两个不可思议的城市之间度过我的时间.

你最爱的加州人是谁? The food, of course! As well as the produce. 加州的农产品是独一无二的. 我的大部分餐饮生涯都是在米其林三星和三星餐厅度过的, creating relationships with farmers, learning about the land, 每周去三次农贸市场. There is so much complexity to the produce, 还有这里的食物,都是我最爱的加州食物. 在加州,你可以一边吃到米其林星级的美食,一边走到外面,在pop- pop帐篷下从街头小贩那里吃到更美味的美食.

对加州人最大的误解是什么? Perhaps that all of us surf... ha! Joking, of course. That's a tough question. 老实说,我发现我从世界各地遇到的人都很喜欢住在加州的人.

What is the stereotype that most holds true? This is a tough question as well. 我可能有偏见,但我认为bbin游戏官网非常冷静,善良,热爱自然. 我从没见过不喜欢牛油果的加州人.

What is your favorite Golden State splurge? 我会说季节性的品尝菜单,我最喜欢的是懒熊, Kali, and Californios. I also enjoy trips up to wine country.

Time for a road trip—where are you going? I definitely am going to Lake Tahoe any time of the year, it is so beautiful. In the spring, 大多数人所说的“超级盛开”发生了——你到处都能看到鲜花盛开, 树木和草地都是充满活力的绿色. 在夏天,这个湖是美丽的,加勒比海式的颜色,是如此清澈. 你所要做的就是在水上开一条船, or sit on the beach, with the sun beaming down on you.

In autumn, 树木真是不可思议——一年四季的变化是我最喜欢的季节之一.


如果你能决定一种官方的国家烹饪体验,你会选择什么? 对我来说,就是尽情享受南加州的玉米卷. 人们常常忘记加州离墨西哥有多近. 这两种美食和文化之间有很多影响和交叉. 你可以花一整天的时间从弹出式墨西哥卷饼摊跳到墨西哥卷饼卡车,甚至都没有触及到可用的表面. When I’m in L.A. 我总是会去几个我最喜欢的墨西哥卷饼店: El Ruso, Tire Shop Taqueria, and Mariscos Jalisco.

在加州,你会去哪里疯狂购物? Any specialty knife and kitchen store: Bernal Cutlery in San Francisco or Japanese Knife Imports in L.A.

Best California song? “California Love”! I love it, it's absolutely genius. 它触及了bbin游戏官网所有人的多样性和爱,这就是加州.

How would your California dream day unfold? 我会在早上醒来,从我最喜欢的当地咖啡店买一杯特色咖啡, and a pastry from my favorite bakery, Breadbelly. Head to Golden Gate Park 搜寻一些可食用的植物和花, 然后去农贸市场买一些农产品,甚至可以吃一些momos或porchetta三明治. I'd go on a hike near the water, looking at the ocean along the cliffs, maybe even head for a run on the beach. 然后我会给我的朋友们做一顿特别的饭, laughing, talking, and enjoying that California sunshine. 然后,既然这是我梦想中的一天,我就雇一架私人飞机,把他们带到洛杉矶.A. for the ultimate taco crawl. 也许去葡萄酒之乡,或者太浩湖,如果bbin游戏官网有时间的话. I'd then fall asleep, looking at the stars, 我在加州另一个我最喜欢的地方附近的豪华露营地找到的, Big Sur.

California Winery

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