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Bi-weekly podcast

Exploring 草谷

Discover this 黄金的国家 town with a Grammy-no最小值ated musician, historic hotel manager, and hard kombucha entrepreneur

On this episode of the California Now Podcast, host Soterios Johnson gets to know this storied small town with three unique guests. 首先, Johnson speaks with bluegrass musician 莫莉塔特尔, recently no最小值ated for a Best New Artist Grammy. The Northern California-bred singer-songwriter breaks out her guitar for an exclusive performance of two songs off her new album, 弯曲的树. Tuttle shares details about her song “草谷” as well as her love of the area and its rich music scene.

Next, Johnson chats with Sonya Krimsky, events manager at the history-laden Holbrooke Hotel. Krimsky details the colorful past of this former 黄金的国家 saloon, a spot once frequented by the likes of Mark Twain, 杰克。伦敦, and Black Bart. The two also cover the hotel’s recent restoration, rumors of ghosts haunting the halls, and the joys of preserving a slice of California Wild West past.

Lastly, Patrick Millar, co-owner of Gold Vibe Kombuchary, takes the California Questionnaire. 长期 草谷 local shares where he would go for the ultimate shopping spree, why a weekend getaway is his go-to splurge, and dispels a certain misperception about Californians.


莫莉塔特尔, singer-songwriter and 2023 Best New Artist Grammy no最小值ee

Sonya Krimsky, events manager at the Holbrooke Hotel

Patrick Millar, co-owner of Gold Vibe Kombuchary


莫莉塔特尔 is a Grammy-no最小值ated bluegrass musician, songwriter, and banjo player whose new album 弯曲的树 was released in 2022.





“草谷” feat. 杰克·塔特尔

莫莉塔特尔 Music

Father’s Day Bluegrass Festival

Hangtown Music Festival



South Yuba River




Golden Gate Park




Sonya Krimsky is the events manager at the historic Holbrooke Hotel.

Holbrooke Hotel



Cornish Christmas

Victorian Christmas


Golden Gate Saloon

National Exchange Hotel

Patrick Millar is the co-owner of Gold Vibe Kombuchary and taproom in 草谷.

Gold Vibe Kombuchary

Novak’s Mens Wear



Soterios Johnson, formerly the local host of National Public Radio’s Morning Edition on radio station WNYC, moved from New York City to Davis in 2016. By combining his journalistic instincts with his personal curiosity, Johnson uses the California Now Podcast platform to develop a deeper understanding of his adopted home.

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