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Los Angeles’ Sushi Row

Los Angeles’ Sushi Row

This stretch of road in L.A.’s San Fernando Valley is a must for sushi-lovers

For many foodies traveling to Los Angeles在美国,寿司和墨西哥卷饼车和In-N-Out一样,都是必不可少的饮食体验. Luckily, 那些想要熟练切割生鱼的人只要看看Sushi Row就知道了, a collection of restaurants in the San Fernando Valley, 洛杉矶的一个地区是世界上一些最大的电影制片厂的所在地. 拥有美国(以及日本以外的世界任何地方)最集中的寿司店, this strip of Ventura Boulevard is home to more than 100 eateries. 海拔最高的地方位于桂冠峡谷和冷水峡谷之间一英里的地方 Studio City.

A Brief History of Sushi Row

In the late 1970s and 1980s, 圣费尔南多谷靠近CBS工作室中心, Walt Disney Studios, Universal Studios, 华纳兄弟(Warner Brothers)为当时为数不多的几家餐厅提供了一份宾客名单,名单上都是娱乐圈的重量级人物. 毫无疑问,日本料理融合了加州风味,大受欢迎, particularly among Hollywood’s elites. 当时美国的6位寿司大师中,有4位位于纽约 Los Angeles, with three occupying Sushi Row.

More restaurants opened, 到20世纪80年代末,寿司热潮正如火如荼, 文图拉大道迅速成为一个文化和烹饪中心,日本厨师可以在这里展示他们的技能. 影视城的这一小块地方后来培养出了上池胜也(Katsuya Uechi)等寿司大师, founder of sushi empire Katsu-ya Group Inc., and Kazunori Nozawa, owner of KazuNori, Nozawa Bar, and Sugarfish, which currently has 15 locations across the U.S.

Where to Eat on Sushi Row

Today, 寿司街仍然是洛杉矶itamae(寿司厨师)的聚集地。, 提供从快速休闲商店到高端寿司吧的一切. 当你准备探索著名的文图拉大道时,从这七个伟大的洛杉矶寿司店开始.


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Shin Sushi, Encino

Don’t let the outside fool you. Inside this inconspicuous Encino strip mall, 寿司鉴赏家会发现一些最具创意的寿司, 意思是“我把它留给你”或厨师的选择)洛杉矶提供的. Helmed by chef-owner Taketoshi Azumi, 这家米其林星级餐厅的特色是在大多数寿司店不常见的不寻常的日式寿司, like cherry trout and Shigoku oysters. 由于座位少,需求高,所以预订是绝对必须的. 众所周知,食客们会涌向这家有8个座位的酒吧,观看take -san——顾客们对他的称呼——准备饭菜, offering insights as he goes.

Asanebo, Studio City

Asanebo是资深寿司爱好者的必去之处. Signature dishes include live sweet shrimp sushi, flaming sazae conch, and chawanmushi with uni, or sea urchin, suspended in a delightful hot or cold egg custard. Aside from its impressive set of three omakase menus, Asanebo还为不太喜欢冒险的食客提供了大量熟悉的最爱. 周末尤其繁忙,所以一定要提前预订.

Katsu-ya, Studio City

Dine at the one that started them all. Katsu-ya于1997年开业,在其位于文图拉大道(Ventura Boulevard)的原址仍在蓬勃发展. Must-try dishes include the miso-marinated black cod, 黄尾鱼生鱼片配jalapeño和酥脆米饭,上面是辣金枪鱼. Credited with modernizing sushi for a western palette, 大师级厨师Katsuya Uechi的寿司帝国目前在全球共有25家餐厅.

The Brothers Sushi, Woodland Hills

In 2018, 前Asanebo厨师Mark Okuda收购了The Brothers Sushi,并将这家曾经不起眼的餐厅改造成了与众不同的餐厅. While the name remained, 奥田的高超创意使这家餐厅变得欣欣向荣, creative eatery. 订购 la购物车,享受五颜六色的应季菜肴和精心制作的寿司. The menu also boasts a sizeable sake and dessert menu, 还有日本柚子芝士蛋糕和紫甘薯勃朗峰.

Teru Sushi, Studio City

成立于1979年,距离CBS工作室中心仅几步之遥,Teru Sushi介绍了许多L.A. diners to sushi. More than 40 years later, 对于那些在时尚中寻求大量创新卷的人来说,Teru仍然是一个主要的选择, relaxed setting. 流行的卷有琅琅上口的名字,比如“性感卷”和“清新轻松”.“这里的生鱼片有着独特的风味组合,比如扇贝和猕猴桃, halibut carpaccio with fingerlime, and kumquat sea bream carpaccio. 在外面找个座位,欣赏日本花园和锦鲤池的景色.

Sushi Note, Sherman Oaks

Not many sushi restaurants can boast a Wine Spectator award four years running. At Sushi Note, however, wine is expertly paired with each omakase course, 带来意想不到的难忘用餐体验. 此外,每一片生鱼片和寿司都是按订单切割的. 厨师齐藤君信(Kiminobu Saito)细腻的手和干净的口味为这家餐厅赢得了2021年的米其林认可.

Sushi Iki, Tarzana

虽然菜单上可能找不到加州卷, 食客们可以用鱼子酱和鹅肝酱等高级食材来满足他们的渴望. 厨师埃迪·冈本(Eddie Okamoto)在平衡颓废的食材和干净的味道方面很有一套, 美味的大比目鱼配松露和甜帝王蟹腿.

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