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A Complete Guide to 自由站, 圣地亚哥

A Complete Guide to 自由站, 圣地亚哥

自由站 in 圣地亚哥’s Point Loma neighborhood sprawls across a former naval station 和 is home to some of the area’s best 餐厅, 商店, 和事件

在20世纪的大部分时间里, 自由站 was a naval training center located at the base of 圣地亚哥的岩石 洛马角半岛. 今天, the 361-acre 自由站 has become a thriving hub for dining, 购物, 以及上乘的精酿啤酒, 都离市中心很近 圣地亚哥 还有机场.

One of the biggest attractions here, for visitors 和 locals alike, is 自由公众市场, a daily marketplace that also includes the expansive 石头酿造世界小酒馆和花园. 当你在这里, 虽然, don’t miss a walk along 自由站’s waterside park to take in the 公共艺术 pieces, 的观点, 丰富的历史.

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A Complete Guide to 自由站 圣地亚哥


As a Naval Training Center, 自由站 welcomed its first recruits in 1923. 在整个二战期间, 随着圣地亚哥军事重要性的扩大, 基地也是如此, built with the same 西班牙语 colonial style seen in many p艺术s of the city.

冷战结束后, operations at the training center slowly wound down 和 it was officially closed in 1997. The city took over owner船 of the property 和 began turning it into a destination for 购物, 餐厅, 艺术, 和教育.

今天, there are five distinct districts 和 38 historic buildings within 自由站, including a local residential neighborhood with schools. 最突出的区域是 艺术区 on the north side of 自由站, which includes 自由公众市场. Nearby is the Qu艺术er, with a few large grocery stores, the south promenade, 和 parking. 在东边, the Naval Training Center Park runs along the boat channel 和 provides a place for running, 骑自行车, 和锻炼. At the southern entrance to 自由站, the South Point is home to four familiar chain 酒店 老的 号航空母舰 招募 船. Throughout the whole area, you’ll find pieces of 历史 woven into the l和scape, such as the Comm和 Center 老的 Enlisted Club, both built in 1941.

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A Complete Guide to 自由站 圣地亚哥, 巴拉那河 Empanadas


Plan to enjoy at least one meal while you explore 自由站. Browsing all the unique 商店 和 food options at 自由公众市场 一定会引起你的食欲.

自由公众市场, 2016年开业, 这里有30多家本地供应商吗, including almost every kind of cuisine you can imagine. 选项包括肉馅卷饼 巴拉那河南方的灵魂食品在 藤贴厨房,东海岸风格的海鲜 邪恶缅因龙虾,还有韩式烧烤 Bopjo. St艺术 with a drink from the appropriately named 食堂酒吧 或者喝杯咖啡 西豆,早上9点开门.m. 在其他市场之前. 一旦你做出了选择, take your food to one of the indoor seating areas or outside to the patios around the building. (自由公众市场 is open daily from 11 a.m. 到8点.m., 虽然 the hours of the individual stalls may vary.)

在市场的隔壁, 这里曾经是海军食堂, is the 石头酿造世界小酒馆和花园. This large branch of the Escondido-based 石头酝酿 is a relaxing place to sample one of the top players in 圣地亚哥备受赞誉的精酿啤酒场景. The large bistro with indoor 和 outdoor seating features an 11,000平方英尺的花园, 室外地滚球戏球, 户外电影屏幕, 最重要的是——40个啤酒龙头.

The Public Market isn’t the only spot for food, however. 还有其他几种 餐厅 in the streets around 自由站, like morning hot spot 早餐共和国Solare, a 米其林美食指南赢家. Families, meanwhile, will love the colorful 和 kid-friendly Corvette餐厅.

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A Complete Guide to 自由站 圣地亚哥, 石头酝酿


Mixed in among the 餐厅 at 自由站 are small 商店 for 艺术isanal foods 和 locally made 艺术 和 jewelry. 浏览手工或复古作品 海蜂巢站,珠宝在 浓密的头发,或者是下午茶和礼物 洛马角茶. 一定要过来看看 色素, which st艺术ed as a gallery for local 艺术ists 和 has exp和ed into a well-regarded home decor 和 lifestyle shop. Pick up a potted plant, for instance, that could pass for a small work of 艺术.

The Qu艺术er district of 自由站 offers some classic stores that can be h和y for any traveler—like Trader Joe’s 和 Vons grocery stores, 瑜伽馆, 还有美发和美甲沙龙.

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A Complete Guide to 自由站 圣地亚哥, 自由公众市场


Stroll the path that runs the length of the NTC公园 看到 公共艺术, such as a kinetic sculpture or a mural of nautical flags. (Scan the QR code at any piece of 艺术 to do the public-艺术 scavenger hunt.) Don’t miss the southern end of the park, which is home is 号航空母舰 招募, a two-thirds scale training model that is now the last of its kind in the U.S.

Artistic energy abounds around 自由站. 浏览当地艺术 灵感 or the contemporary pieces at the Something Different Studio Art Gallery, 然后考虑自己制作一些艺术作品. 去自由站看看 日历,其中包括音乐课程, 陶器,绘画,甚至蜡烛制作 儿童和成人都可以. 或者看专业人士做他们的事情. 在剧院看表演 圣地亚哥芭蕾舞团 或者专注于改进 国家喜剧剧院.

Before you arrive, check the 日历 for other events at 自由站, such as the monthly 第一个周五—with 艺术 work商店 和 kids crafts—the annual Art Walk in August, or summer’s 户外音乐系列.


A visit to 自由站 offers a fun microcosm of 圣地亚哥’s local flavor. When planning your trip to the SoCal city, check out 更多的 don’t-miss spots, such as 石头酝酿, 圣地亚哥最好的海鲜 餐馆,其 顶级墨西哥卷饼店,甚至它也很棒 美味的甜甜圈.



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